Stoffverteilung für jahrgangsübergreifendes Arbeiten mit Playway 1 und 2

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PLAYWAY Stoffverteilung für jahrgangsübergreifendes Arbeiten mit 1 und 2 Jahr gelb, Pupil s Book 1 () und Pupil s Book 2 () werden abwechselnd eingesetzt, wie in der Stoffverteilung beschrieben. Material / Thema KV time 1 1 Hello I m Max (Cartoon Story) Minidialoge What s your name? (Song) Wortschatzspiele Stand up (Action Story) Bilder nummerieren (Listen and point. Fill in the numbers.) Give me red (Chant) Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Picture Card) Hörübung (Listen and point.) Wortschatzspiel in Partnerarbeit (Work in pairs. Look and speak.) Wortschatzeinführung und -wiederholung (Picture Cards) Rhyme (Listen and colour. Speak.) Wortschatzeinführung (Picture Card) Rhyme selbst verfassen Step to creativity (Colour and speak.) Wortschatzwiederholung: Farben Good morning; Hello, I m Max/ ; What s your name? Hello to you one; two; three; four Nur rezeptiv: Stand up; Stretch; Shout Hooray ; Sit down red; yellow; green; blue; black; white; Give me red/ ; Here you are; Yeah, all right; Yes; No Rezeptiv: What is it? brown bike; Wortschatzwiederholung: Farben und Zahlen A red/ bike for Linda/ /me! boat Nur rezeptiv: One, two, three, four Touch the floor! Five, six, seven, eight Stand up straight! Nine, ten, eleven, twelve Enjoy yourself! ca. 2 3 Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2009 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten. 1

Material / Thema 2 School Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Picture Cards) Baby face (Chant) Close your eyes (Action Story) Bilder nummerieren (Listen and point. Fill in the numbers.) Rätsel (Colour and speak.) Hörübung (Listen and tick. Speak.) Partnerarbeit: Wortschatzspiel (Stick in the pictures. Work in pairs. Speak.) The painting (Cartoon Story) Rollenspiel Partnerarbeit (Work in pairs. Speak.) pencil; book; glue; scissors; pencil case; schoolbag Baby face! Sit down! Nur rezeptiv: Stand up; Close your eyes; Touch your nose; Open your eyes and smile a book/ Nur rezeptiv: What has Benny/ got?; What have you got? The pen and the glue/ Nur rezeptiv: Can I have...; Here you are; Thank you; That s OK; What does Benny/... want? ca. 2 3 Wortschatzwiederholung: school things Vorwiegend rezeptiv: The painting; Come on, Max!; OK; Blue and green/red/yellow; It s not good; It s very good; Oh, no!; I m sorry; That s OK, Linda/Benny; I hate my picture; Fantastic; Congratulations!; Thank you. The glue, please; Here your are; Thank you. 3 Fruit Hello! (Mr Matt Sketch) Hörübung (Listen and fill in the numbers.) I m Danny! I m Daisy! (Song) Hörübung (Listen and point.) Partnerarbeit Mengen einkreisen (Think and draw.) Give me more! (Chant) The plum (Action Story) Vorwiegend rezeptiv: This is my boy, Danny; Say hello; Hello!; Where are they?; I m Mr Matt; Here we are, Dad! I m Danny/Daisy; And I m Mr Matt!; Oh, no! Stop saying that!; OK; You re Daisy/Danny; Hooray! apple; banana; plum; pear; What is it?; Yes; No; two apples/bananas/ plums/pears Nur rezeptiv: How many bananas/ are there? ca. 2 3 Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2009 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten. 2

Material / Thema 3 Fruit Bilder nummerieren (Listen and point. Fill in the numbers.) The greedy monster (Cartoon Story) Minidialoge/Rollenspiel One apple, two apples, three apples, four/ ; Give me more, give me more!; No way; OK. five; six Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Say hello to your mum; You re hungry; Your mum shows you some plums, Open a plum; Show the plum to your mum; Your mum says Eek! Vorwiegend rezeptiv: I m thirsty; Here you are; I m hungry; Give me more; Just a moment; Help! KV time 1 Nur rezeptiv: One, two, three, four Touch the floor! Five, six, seven, eight Stand up straight! Nine, ten, eleven, twelve Enjoy yourself! 2 Vegetables I like potatoes (Chant) Hörübung (Listen and fill in the numbers.) Multisensorische Wortschatzerweiterung (Picture Cards) Wortschatzspiele Partnerarbeit (Stick in the pictures. Speak.) At a shop (Cartoon Story) Minidialoge CLIL activities potatoes; tomatoes; carrots; onions; green/red peppers; cucumbers I like potatoes/ ; yummy; Munch, crunch; What about cucumbers?; Yuck! I don t like cucumbers! Good morning; Four carrots/., please. Nur rezeptiv: How many... are there? grapes; nuts; peaches I like; I don t like ca. 2 3 Good morning; Six tomatoes/, please; Linda, the flowers, please; No, Max; How much is it?; Here you are; Goodbye; Yummy. Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2009 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten. 3

Material / Thema 6 Winter It s snowing (Action Story) Anweisungen imitieren und auch durcheinander ausführen Bilder nummerieren (Listen and point. Fill in the numbers.) This is my snowman (Song) The snowman (Cartoon Story) Rollenspiel Snowman grow (Rhyme) Bilderrätsel (Look and speak.) CLIL activity eyes; nose; mouth; snowman Vorwiegend rezeptiv: It s snowing; Go outside; Make three big balls: one, two, three!; Stick in two eyes; Stick in a nose and a mouth; What a wonderful snowman! Eyes and mouth and nose; this is my snowman; what a big nose! Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Listen!; Look! A rabbit; Ssshhh!; The rabbit s hungry; What s this?; Aaah! A snowman; What a big nose!; Got it!; Yummy. ca. 2 3 Snow, snow; Snowman grow; Oh, the sun; Snowman run. Extra unit Christmas ggf. mit Vorthema Winter tauschen, je nach Wetterbedingungen 5 Toys Wortschatzspiele My blue train (Rhyme) Rhyme selbst verfassen step to creativity (Colour and speak.) The dog in your car (Action Story) Hörübung (Listen and colour.) Anweisungen imitieren und auch durcheinander ausführen Bilder nummerieren (Listen and point. Fill in the numbers.) My cool pets (Song) Hörübung (Listen and fill in the numbers.) Auskunft über sich geben. (Draw, fill in the numbers and speak.) ball; car; plane; train; star; pink My blue/ train/ Vorwiegend rezeptiv: You re in a car; There s a dog; Stop the car and get out; The dog jumps into your car; The dog drives off. Vrooooom!; You run after the car. I ve got a cool, cool duck/dog/mouse/cat on a super bike, ting, ting/in a super car, vroom, vroom; in a super train, choo, choo; in a super plane, woo, woo; wheeeeeee! doll ca. 3 Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2009 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten. 4

Material / Thema 5 Toys Partnerarbeit (Work in pairs. Speak.) CLIL activity Wiederholung der Zahlen von 1 bis 6; doll; Hi, I m Anna/ ; I ve got two/ cars, one train and six dolls/ Nur rezeptiv: How many cars/ has Anna got?; How many have you got?/i ve got three/ 4 Pets Hörübung (Listen and point.) Wortschatzspiele, Ratespiel (Work in pairs.) Partnerarbeit: logische Reihen (Think and draw.) What s this? (Chant) Hörübung (Listen and fill in the numbers.) The mouse (Cartoon Story) Minidialoge, Rollenspiel Hörübung (Listen and fill in the numbers.) Minidialoge Suchbild (Look and colour.) Hörübung (Listen and point.) CLIL activity cat; dog; hamster; mouse; duck; rabbit Is it a cat/?; No, sorry; Yes What s this?; miaow; woof; squeak; quack Let s play; No, go away! Vorwiegend rezeptiv: The mouse is (very) sad; The mouse goes away; Let s go to the show; Wonderful; Abracadabra; Super! Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Let s play; Great; Wonderful?; Abracadabra; A ghost; Stop! Nur rezeptiv: How many cats/ are there?; There are Yes, it is; No, it isn t; one mouse; two dogs; three cats; four rabbits; two hamsters; three ducks ca. 3 4 8 Farm Feed the hens (Action Story) Bilder nummerieren (Listen and point. Fill in the numbers.) Wortschatzspiele Hörübung (Listen and fill in the numbers.) Eddie, the earthworm (Cartoon Story) Nur rezeptiv: egg(s); hen; Put on your shoes; Take some corn; Go outside; Call the hens; Feed the hens; Go to the hen house; Look for eggs; Pick up an egg; Crack; There s a chick. Wortschatzwiederholung: numbers from 1 to 12; cat; dog; mouse; duck; bee; hen ca. 3 Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2009 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten. 5

Material / Thema 8 Farm Earthworm song (Song) CLIL activity earthworm; horse; pig; cow; sheep Vorwiegend rezeptiv: It s a lovely morning on the farm; This is Eddie, the earthworm; Hi, everybody; Moo; Who are you?; I m Eddie, the earthworm; I give milk; What about you?; Erm I live underground; Stupid; I lay eggs; I make honey; You look sad; What s the problem?; I can t give milk/lay eggs/make honey; You re the king of the garden; The flowers / vegetables / trees love you; Really?; Everybody loves you; Eddie is happy again. Hens lay eggs; Cows give milk; And bees make honey; Lots of eggs/milk/honey; But Eddie is the king of the garden; Everybody loves you! KV Time 1 Time The number rap (Action Story) Anweisungen imitieren und ausführen Nur rezeptiv: One, two, three, four Touch the floor! Five, six, seven, eight Stand up straight! Nine, ten, eleven, twelve Enjoy yourself! ca. 1-2 KV Time 2 Wortschatzwiederholung: Partnerarbeit (Do a colour dictation.) one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve Minidialoge What s the time? It s one o clock. What s the time, Mr Wolf? It s one o clock. It s dinner time! 9 Travelling Come to my party (Chant) Wortschatzwiederholung: Partnerarbeit (Work in pairs. Speak. Find the rhyming word and draw.) Come to my party on Saturday at eight; Listen how to get there; And don t be late; You can t go by underground / bike / car / bus / plane; You can t walk; I live far away; I live on a star; Take my rocket, Aaaah! ca. 1-2 two shoe; cat hat Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2009 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten. 6

Material / Thema 10 Holidays Holiday boogie (Song) The lake (Action Story) Bilder nummerieren (Listen and point. Fill in the numbers.) The jungle safari (Cartoon Story) Mr Matt at the beach (Mr Matt Sketch) Hörübung (Listen and fill in the numbers.) This is the holiday boogie, yeah!; Come on boys / girls; Let s have fun in the sun; See you again. Nur rezeptiv: You re riding your bike; You re hot; Stop and get off your bike; You can see a lake; Go down to the water; Cool off; Dive into the water; Aargh! There s something in your mouth; It s a frog. jungle; tiger; Let s be quiet; It s asleep. Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Sssssshhhh!; Wow! What a big snake!; Careful; Don t worry; An elephant; Look at its big ears; They re coming; Let s run; Look, there s a boat; Let s jump in; Help me, Benny; Row, row, Benny; Too late!; Bye, bye see you again! ca. 2 3 beach; Get them off!; I m bored. Let s go home; Go sailing, Dad; Good idea; No, not that! It s this one here. Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Dad, we re bored; Let s go to the beach/home; But ; All right; No, Dad. It s a lovely day; Build a sandcastle; What about your sandcastle; It s finished. I m bored; It s finished?; It s there!; Wow! Dad, that s great; No, not that!; It s this one here; I m still bored; Go swimming / sailing / fishing, Dad; Good idea; Swimming, swimming! That s the sport for me!; He s fine; What s the matter?; I hate swimming / the beach; Get them off!; No. I can t. No boat; Stop!; Where s Dad?; He s fishing, look!; Look, I think he s got a fish; Quick, come on; Oooh! It s a big fish. It s a big one; But it s not a fish. Look!; What do we do now? Extra Easter ADDITUM für Kinder am Ende des zweiten Lernjahres Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2009 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten. 7

Material / Thema 6 Clever Joe Wortschatzwiederholung und -erweiterung (Picture Cards.) Euros in my piggy bank (Song) Hörübung (Listen and colour. Speak.) Partnerarbeit (Work in pairs. Speak.) Clever Joe (Cartoon Story) Snakes and ladders (game) Partnerarbeit (Work in pairs. Play the game. Speak.) Wiederholung der Zahlen von 1 bis 20; twenty-one to a hundred; piggy bank; euro/s; camera I ve got ten/ /a hundred euros in my piggy bank; Now, where s the hammer?; I ve got a football and a camera/a boat, a skateboard and a car!; Can you give me a euro, please?; What for?; I want a new piggy bank! zero; a hundred blue; Ten orange and green; Zero yellow and pink Twenty plus plus forty is ninety; What s missing?; Yes, right; No, sorry. circus Vorwiegend rezeptiv: OK, children; Tomorrow there s a maths test; OK, sir; All the animals are doing maths; It s next day; The maths/ English test; I can t do it; Let s go to the circus; Great! Fantastic! Yes, let s; Ladies and gentlemen! I m sorry. Our acrobat s ill; Can I try?; Sure. Come here; Ladies and gentlemen, give Joe a big hand!; Aaaah. I know! Practice!; Yes, sir; Come here, please; You can do it! Well done! Wortschatzwiederholung: numbers; school things; fruit; vegetables; pets, farm, toys; It s my turn; It s your turn; I don t know; What is it?; Throw the dice; Start; Finish; I m/you re the winner. Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2009 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten. 8

PLAYWAY Stoffverteilung für jahrgangsübergreifendes Arbeiten mit 1 und 2 Jahr blau, Pupil s Book 1 () und Pupil s Book 2 () werden abwechselnd eingesetzt, wie in der Stoffverteilung beschrieben. Material Thema / Handreichung School KV School 1-5 Hello School What s your name? (Song) Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Realia) Wortschatzspiele (Kim game. Memory) Anweisungen ausführen. (Listen and point. Listen and tick. Listen and stick. Look, tick and say.) Look and act. (Action Story) Good morning; Hello, I m Max/ ; What s your name? desk, pen, banana, teddy, scissors, ruler, pencil case, glue, pencil, book, schoolbag Die Zweitklässler helfen den Erstklässlern. 1 Stunde KV Autumn 1 KV Autumn 2 Autumn It s autumn (Action Story) (Listen and do. Listen and number.) Einen Chant sprechen Nur rezeptiv: 1: Look: lovely plums! 2: Go to the tree and pick some plums. 3: Eat the plums 4: It s windy. 5. The plums are falling on your head! 6: Run away. The leaves are falling down. The leaves are falling down. Red, yellow, orange and brown. The leaves are falling down. orange, yellow, red, brown, one, twelve (Fill in and say.) Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2009 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten. 9

Material Thema / Kopiervorlagen Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see? Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Picture Cs.) Wortschatzspiele Bilder nummerieren (Listen and point. Fill in the numbers.) Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Picture Cards) Rhyme selbst verfassen Step to creativity (Colour and speak.) Wortschatzwiederholung: Farben Nur rezeptiv: What do you see? I see (a) looking at me. Wortschatzwiederholung: Farben und Zahlen bear, bird, duck, horse, frog, cat, dog, sheep, fish, monkey, children mouse, bee, hen, pig, cow, sheep ca. 2 3 10 Food Pizza, pizza (Chant) Multisensorische Wortschatzwiederholung und -erweiterung (Picture Cards) Einen eigenen Chant verfassen und sprechen Step to creativity (Draw and speak.) Hörübung (Listen and draw. Speak.) Minidialoge What s for breakfast? (Mr Matt Sketch) Hörübung (Listen and fill in the numbers.) Lots of spaghetti (Chant) The spider (Action Story) Anweisungen imitieren und auch durcheinander ausführen Bilder nummerieren (Listen and point. Fill in the numbers.) Pizza; Yummy; I like pizza/cornflakes/apples; Mmmh! Wortschatzwiederholung: apple; banana; plum; pear; orange; lemon; milk; cake chicken; chips; spaghetti; cheese I like Rezeptiv: What does Linda/Benny like? I like chips/ Vorwiegend rezeptiv: We re hungry; What s for breakfast, Dad?; Tea and toast?; Where s our toast?; Just a minute; Sorry, no toast; But, Dad; A smoothie?; Yes. Yoghurt. Milk; Orange or banana?; Sorry, no smoothie; But, Dad, we re hungry!; Eggs? Hey; Watch this!; Don t worry; There are two more eggs. ca. 2 Lots of spaghetti/chicken on a big, big plate; with butter and cheese/ketchup and chips; spaghetti/chicken is great Nur rezeptiv: You re hungry; Go into the kitchen; Take a plate of cheese; There s a big spider on the cheese; Drop the plate; Run out of the kitchen. Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2009 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten. 10

Material Thema / Kopiervorlagen 6 Winter ggf. erst nach Christmas behandeln, je nach Wetterbedingungen Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Picture Cards) It s winter (Action Story) Anweisungen imitieren und auch durcheinander ausführen Bilder nummerieren (Listen and point. Fill in the numbers.) That s a snowman (Rhyme) Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Look, it s snowing. Put on your hat. Go outside. Ouch! My head! Make a snowball. Throw the snowball. eyes; nose; mouth; snowman, pot Vorwiegend rezeptiv: The eyes are black. The nose is red. That s a snowman with a pot on his head. ca. 2 Extra Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas (Song) Father Christmas is lost (Cartoon Story) Rekonstruktion der Geschichte (Story Cards) We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year; We all do some dancing around the big tree. It s Christmas day; There are no presents!; Where are our presents?; Sorry, we don t know; Excuse me, I m lost. Where s the farm?; Brrrrrrrr! I m cold. And I m lost; Sorry. I m in a hurry. Bye. Excuse me, I m lost; I m sorry. I m busy; Oh, dear, oh dear; The farm? I m so sorry. I don t know; Oh, it s over there; Thanks very much; You re welcome, Father Christmas; Who is it?; It s Father Christmas!; We wish you a Merry Christmas. Landeskunde ca. 1-2 4 Clothes Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Picture cards) Wortschatzspiele Hörübung (Listen and point.) Partnerarbeit (Work in pairs. Do sums.) Oh, no! (Action Story) Anweisungen imitieren und ausführen, Bilder nummerieren The wolly hat (Cartoon Story) Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit mit Schriftbildeinführung (Picture Cards, Word Cards) Wortschatzwiederholung colours, numbers 1-20 wolly hat, dress, trainers, pullover, jacket, skirt, shoes, socks, T-shirt, hat, trousers, cap Nur rezeptiv: How many blue / wolly hats are there? Three red wolly hats plus two blue wolly hats plus four green wolly hats are nine wolly hats Vorwiegend rezeptiv: You re swimming in the pool. Get off the water. Dry yourself. Put on your jeans. Put on your ca. 2-3 Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2009 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten. 11

Material Thema / 4 Clothes Hörübung (Listen and circle. Draw.) Partnerarbeit (Work in pairs. Colour one picture. Speak and colour.) The T-shirt (Mr Matt Sketch) Hörübung (Listen and fill in the numbers.) shoes and socks. Put on your T-shirt. Put on your jacket. Walk out. Oh, no! You re wearing your swimming goggles. Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Father bear has a hobby. He makes wolly hats. Joe, this hat is for you. Joe is not happy. I hate it. Aaaargh! Bye, Dad. It s Fred the fox. Oh, what a lovely hat. Fred puts the hat on. Joe is in the classroom. Stupid me. Vorwigend rezeptiv: Max, hurry up, we re going shopping. I don t know what to wear. Put on your black T-shirt / your green jeans / my black T-shirt / my green jeans Take the jacket off. Put on your orange jacket. Yeah, you look great. A black T-shirt / What colour is the jacket?; What colour are the shoes?; It s blue/ ; They re brown/ Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Good morning; Can I help you? A T- shirt, please; For you, sir?; Yes; What colour?; I love all colours; Red?; I like it; I don t like it; Aaaaah! That s nice!; No, Dad! Pleeeeeease!; Can I try it on?; Yes, here you are; Is it OK?; No; Take it off!; Help me!; I ll take it! KV Spring 1 Spring It s spring! (Action Story) Anweisungen imitieren und ausführen, Bilder nummerieren Vorwiegend rezeptiv: 1: Look: the sun is shining! 2: Run outside. 3: You are happy. Jump! 4: The sun shines on your nose 5. Hatchoo! 6: Blow your nose. ca. 1-2 Einen eigenen Chant verfassen und sprechen Step to creativity (Draw and speak.) One red flower, two red flowers, three red flowers, four! Five red flowers, six red flowers, seven red flowers, more! Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2009 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten. 12

Material Thema / 8 Health Get out of bed (Action Story) Bilder nummerieren (Listen and point. Fill in the numbers.) Get out of bed (Song) Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Picture Cards) At the dentist (Mr Matt Sketch) Hörübung (Listen and fill in the numbers.) Hörübung (Listen and point.) Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Get out of bed; Wash your face; Clean your teeth; Bend your knees 1,2,3; Jump 1,2,3; Have a glass of milk. Get out of bed; Wash your face; Clean your teeth; Bend your knees; Jump; Let s keep fit! lemon; orange; apple; banana; chocolate; ice cream; mouth; tooth Vorwiegend rezeptiv: I win, I think; No Dad; I win!; Have an apple/a banana, Dad; No thanks; I love chocolate/ice cream /lollies; Bananas, oranges, a lemon; Look! Mr Fruit Face; What?; I m hungry; Oh dear I know a good walk; A big ice cream please; Here you are; Thank you; I thank you; What s the matter, Dad?; My tooth hurts; Go to the dentist; The dentist No not the dentist; Don t worry; Come on; OK; Next; Come in; Goodbye; Take a seat; The other way; Oh Yes; Relax; Nice chair; Some music?; Yes please; Oh. Lovely; Where s the dentist?; It s me; Oh It s her; Open your mouth; Don t worry. Open your mouth; Come on, Dad; Not today. An apple for me! MENUK ca. 2-3 Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Three lollies, please; A big ice cream, please; Here you are; Thank you; Yummy; Tea s ready; No, thank you, Dad; What s the matter?; I feel sick. 7 Body Multisensorische Wortschatzwiederholung und -erweiterung (Picture Cards) Hörübung (Listen and fill in the numbers.) Partnerarbeit (Work in pairs.) Bend your knees (Chant) Wilbur (Action Story) Bilder nummerieren (Listen and point. Fill in the numbers.) Wortschatzwiederholung: mouth; nose; eye/s; tooth/teeth; knee/s hand/s; head; ear/s; shoulder/s; arm/s; finger/s; toe/s; leg/s; foot/feet Bend your knees; Touch your toes/hair/chair/the sky; Clap your hands; Shake your fingers/head; Stamp your feet; Jump up high. Wilbur gets out of bed; He shakes his arms; He shakes his ca. 3-4 Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2009 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten. 13

Material Thema / Mr Matt keeps fit (Mr Matt Sketch) Hörübung (Listen and fill in the numbers.) Hörübung (Listen and number.) Partnerarbeit (Speak.) Hörübung (Listen and number.) Hörübung (Listen and draw.) Partnerarbeit (Speak.) Ratespiel CLIL activity legs; He bends his knees; He says hello to his dog; Oh, no!; Wilbur runs into the bathroom; He cleans his teeth. Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Bend your knees; Shake your arms, one, two, three!; Now jump; What are you doing?; Shhh! Look!; I ve got an idea!; What?; Come with me; Look at this; This is great! Give it to me!; Stamp your feet; Stretch; And now touch your toes; My back/ shoulders/knees; My arms/legs; My goodness; Danny! Daisy!; What is it, Dad?; Look; Come with me; Where are we going?; To the doctor s; No!; What s that?; Aaaaaah!; Here you are, Dad; Very funny! Watch this; Next, please! My tummy/knee/nose/arm/ hurts; My /eyes/feet hurt. Monster one has got ; My monster has got Draw the monster and colour it; The monster has got three eyes, four big ears, six teeth, one arm and three legs 5 Family Multisensorische Wortschatzwiederholung und -erarbeitung (Picture Cards) The racoons and the beaver (Cartoon Story) The clever racoons (Song) Hörübung (Listen and fill in the numbers.) Sprechübung (Speak.) Hörübung (Listen and point.) CLIL activity dad; mum; brother; sister Vorwiegend rezeptiv Vorwiegend rezeptiv: The racoons are going for a picnic; Dad, Mum, Rosie and her brother, Ronnie; Let s go to the river; What s that?; It s a beaver; Let s help him; Mum, Dad, Ronnie and his sister want to help; They swim across the river; Pull; Cut off his tail; Just a minute; It works; Now let s have our picnic. The clever racoons are helpful/strong; Oh, here they come; A bushy tail and two small ears; A funny face and a black nose; That s Ronnie, he s Rosie s brother. grandpa; grandma; There s a ; Tom s/daniel s/ family; Vorwiegend rezeptiv: In my family there s my mum/ ; Kate s 4 years old; I ve got a big family; What about Tom s family?; There s a... ca. 2-3 Happy birthday, grandpa; Thank you, Emily; Do you like pink roses?; They are from the garden; Oh, no, my roses; Yes; They smell wonderful. Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2009 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten. 14

Material Thema / 3 In the house Multisensorische Wortschatzarbeit (Picture Cards) Hörübung (Listen and point.) The mice are having fun (Song) Partnerarbeit (Work in pairs. Colour one picture. Speak and colour.) Time for fun (Cartoon Story) The chocolate bar (Action Story) Bilder nummerieren (Listen and point. Fill in the numbers.) Partnerarbeit: Rechenspiel (Work in pairs. Play the game. Do sums.) Musik Sachunterricht sofa; chair; lamp; table; cupboard; telephone; TV; curtains Nur rezeptiv: There s a green sofa/...; There are yellow curtains. The family; the family s not here; The mice are having fun; What s happening?; Oh dear!; Mice, mice, mice everywhere; on the sofa/ chair/ cupboard/ floor/ curtains/ door. What colour is the/your sofa?; What colour are the/your curtains? What colour is it/are they? It s/they are red/ Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Come on! It s time for fun; Hooray; The sofa s for me and Fred; All right; The curtains are for me and Billy!; The lamp and the cupboard are for Mike and me; Hey, come here! Let s watch TV!; Listen! A car; Oh no! They ve got a cat!; A cat! Let s run; The TV s on! That s strange; I can smell mice! MENUK ca. 2 3 Vorwiegend rezeptiv: Open the cupboard; Ah. A chocolate bar!; Climb onto a chair; Take the chocolate bar; Jump down; Ouch! Your foot!; You drop the chocolate bar; Your dog grabs the chocolate bar; Shout: Give it back! eleven; twelve; thirteen; fourteen; fifteen; sixteen; seventeen; eighteen; nineteen; twenty; fifteen minus/plus two is ; It s your/my turn; Throw the dice. Nur rezeptiv: Start; Finish Extra Easter Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2009 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten. 15

Material Thema / ADDITUM für Kinder am Ende des zweiten Lernjahres 6 Clever Joe Wortschatzwiederholung und -erweiterung (Picture Cards) Euros in my piggy bank (Song) Hörübung (Listen and colour. Speak.) Partnerarbeit (Work in pairs. Speak.) Clever Joe (Cartoon Story) Snakes and ladders (game) Partnerarbeit (Work in pairs. Play the game. Speak.) Wiederholung der Zahlen von 1 bis 20; twenty-one to a hundred; piggy bank; euro/s; camera I ve got ten/ /a hundred euros in my piggy bank; Now, where s the hammer?; I ve got a football and a camera/a boat, a skateboard and a car!; Can you give me a euro, please?; What for?; I want a new piggy bank! zero; a hundred blue; Ten orange and green; Zero yellow and pink Twenty plus plus forty is ninety; What s missing?; Yes, right; No, sorry. circus Vorwiegend rezeptiv: OK, children; Tomorrow there s a maths test; OK, sir; All the animals are doing maths; It s next day; The maths/ English test; I can t do it;let s go to the circus; Great! Fantastic! Yes, let s; Ladies and gentlemen! I m sorry. Our acrobat s ill; Can I try?; Sure. Come here; Ladies and gentlemen, give Joe a big hand!; Aaaah. I know! Practice!; Yes, sir; Come here, please; You can do it! Well done! Wortschatzwiederholung: numbers; clothes; family; school things; weather; food; furniture It s my turn; It s your turn; I don t know; What is it ; Throw the dice; Start; Finish; I m/you re the winner. Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2009 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Von dieser Druckvorlage ist die Vervielfältigung für den eigenen Unterrichtsgebrauch gestattet. Die Kopiergebühren sind abgegolten. 16