Chapter 10. Epilogue.

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1 Chapter 10. Epilogue M. Hamer 1, B. Petersen 2, M. Nüssel 3 1 GIQSe.V., c/ouniversityofbonn, Katzenburgweg 7-9, 53115Bonn,Germany 2 University of Bonn, Katzenburgweg 7-9, 53115Bonn, Germany 3 DRV, DeutscherRaiffeisenverband e.v., Pariser Platz 3, Berlin, Germany It is estimated that the growing global population, increasing prosperity of the emerging countries and modified consumption habits will double the demand for food up to the year It will be challenging to meet future global demands for food while avoiding, or at least mitigating, negative impacts on ecosystems and at the same time reducing poverty, supporting livelihoods, and ensuring food safety and animal welfare (UNEP 2012). At the same time, we are confronted with changing consumer demands, the challenges of climate change and advancing globalisation as well as shortages of resources (Schwerin et al., 2010). Other assessments indicate that nowadays nearly half of our food is already lost before it reaches private households. The reasons for this lie, amongst others, in rotting and destruction by parasites already in the field, inefficient management of supply chains, weak points in the management of cold chains and inadequate local infrastructures ( J. Matern, personal communication). The global challenge to produce more food and to ensure, at the same time, that this food is of high quality, in consideration of the principle of sustainability, therefore requires research approaches and management strategies guaranteeing an overall view and interconnection of all links and players of the feed and food chains in an international context. Quality sciences as a cross-sectional discipline can contribute in this regard enormously to responsible and sustainable food production. Quality and risk management are as shown in this book very complex issues examined by the authors from a scientific and also from a practical point of view and are explained by way of concrete examples. Hence, they classify the most important concepts of quality management, describe the development stages from quality control right up to the dynamic quality management network in global value chains and show which models are used nowadays to illustrate interdependencies and the tasks of those responsible for quality and risk management. The framework provided for establishing QM systems in individual operations or within value chains according to the farm to fork or fork to farm principle Quality B. Petersen, and M. Nüssel risk and management M. Hamer (eds.) Quality in agri-food and risk management chains in agri-food chains 281 DOI / _10, Wageningen Academic Publishers 2014

2 Chapter 10. is, on the one hand, EU food legislation, and, on the other hand, international rules and standards. The latter are, to a large extent, independent of the relevant branch of business and require sector-specific interpretation assistance for their implementation. Four current fields of action will advance the continuous improvement process within the QM systems of international value chains: increasing the visibility of successful quality and risk management systems; improving the business-to-business communication; intensifying the dialog between industry and academia; strengthening of networks and public-private partnership structures. The experience reports mentioned in this book show clearly that quality management has become more dynamic also in the agri-food industry. QM departments or quality management representatives feeling responsible for the entire value chain, nowadays have to be far sighted and able to react any time as well as confident and prudent when taking rapid decisions in situations of crisis. For this, it is necessary, on the one hand, to establish long-term structures and thus countering the continuously changing market demands, and be well prepared, on the other hand, for situations requiring decisions in crises. The demand for tailored further training programs for future quality managers in industry and know-how transfer from research have therefore continuously increased in recent years. Thus, for example, the initiative ALFONS (Alliance for training and further training FoodNet Systems) explains clearly which development routes can be followed to offer corresponding qualification opportunities during and after studies to junior employees and managers in the agri-food industry. Meanwhile, the scope of quality managers also includes advancement of quality management in global company structures and integration of quality, risk, environmental and energy management. Dynamic markets require dynamic QM systems, perfectly coordinated processes, integrated IT systems across company borders and clear and rapid de-escalation strategies. Another response to globalisation is supplier development. Here, additional knowledge of industry-specific QM methods and procedures is necessary. Creation of new jobs within the entire value chain reflects this development and shows the demand for well-educated junior employees. Even customers and consumers contribute a certain dynamics to quality management. The quality of future products will be increasingly influenced by communication with the consumer. It is necessary to capture the requirements of customers and consumers by targeted enquiries and subsequently to communicate the fulfilment of customer requests. Value chains in the agri-food industry are characterised by geographically and organisationally separated process steps resulting in information but also responsibility 282 Quality and risk management in agri-food chains

3 Epilogue asymmetries. For the future it can be predicted that there will be an increasing willingness to not only exchange important product and process information with the companies of the value chain rapidly and suited to the demand, but also with public institutions. Already today, a number of exemplary projects illustrate how B-to-B and PPP communication via the internet can be realised organisationally and technically. In global quality networks, innovation in the public and private sector plays an increasingly important role. The public sector at national, regional and local level is under pressure to create new ways of offering better public goods and services with fewer resources. The rapid pace of innovation in many fields of quality, risk and crisis management creates tremendous opportunities for improving the cost effectiveness and impact of the public sector, including new ways of cooperation with the private sector. Novel public-private partnerships play an important role in knowledge-based development and social entrepreneurship. The interface between information and communication systems of network coordinators on the agricultural side and DP systems of companies such as slaughterhouses, dairies, mills, breweries, etc. at the processing stage will also be in the centre of joint projects between industry and academia in the coming years. Advancement concepts for information and service agencies at the producer stage are in trend in this respect to increase transparency and competitiveness of the entire value chain. Quality and safety of agricultural products and food has utmost priority for consumers worldwide. With this highly sensitive purchaser market, organisation and certification of quality communication during production and across the stages remain one of the most important success factors for competing with international competitors and developing new markets. This complex subject is associated with a high need for coordination not only between the partners of the value chain but also with academia. The best way to exploit the potential of different innovation activities with several partners of a value chain is through structured planning and control of innovation activities from the initial idea to successful market entry. To facilitate this dialog, in the past years, R&D platforms like GIQS have been developed and scientists have taken over neutral moderation of project teams with partners from agriculture to food retail. According to the network partners involved, tackling research and development issues jointly will time and again result in a number of advantages and synergy effects. If all these initiatives and measures succeed to establish quality and sustainability as key factors in added chains and to advance organisations by training junior employees and managers necessary for this, quality will remain a central differentiation characteristic in global markets in future as well. However, we must not forget that in addition to networking and communication skills, not least motivation and pioneering spirit, courage for innovation and intercultural competence are part of a holistic quality understanding in the agri-food industry. Quality and risk management in agri-food chains 283


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