INFORMATION of 19 February 2013

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INFORMATION of 19 February 2013 Frankfurt am Main UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE A Tour of Germany 6 February 26 May 2013 Deutschen Architekturmuseum DAM, Schaumainkai 43, Frankfurt am Main, 1st Floor EXHIBITION OPENING: Tue, 5 February 2013, 19.00 PRESS CONFERENCE: Mon, 4 February 2013, 11.00 GUIDED TOURS: On Saturdays and Sundays 15.00 Marmorpalais in Potsdam, 1787 1792 Photo: Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin- Brandenburg. OPEN: Tue, Thu Sat 11.00 18.00 \ Wed 11.00 20.00 \ Sun 11.00 19.00 ABOUT THE EXHIBITION 2 THE INVESTMENT PROGRAMME FOR NATIONAL UNESCO WORLDHERITAGE SITES 2 PUBLICATION 3 THE GERMAN WORLD HERITAGE SITES 4 COINCIDING PROGRAM 5 IMPRINT 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 7 COMING SOON / CONTACT 8

EXHIBITION PROVIDES INSIGHTS INTO ALL GERMAN WORLD HERITAGE SITES With 37 World Heritage Sites, Germany numbers amongst the countries with the most sites listed after China, Italy, France and Spain. Churches and monasteries, castles and palaces, gardens and natural landscapes are among the country s major attractions, as are old towns with their historic centers and the outstanding architectural testimonials of Industrialization. A great deal of effort goes into maintaining, restoring and preserving architectural monuments in the historical state we find them in. However, we must also seek to integrate world heritage into sustainable urban and regional development policies. Increasingly, the maintenance of World Heritage Sites is linked to the question as to how they can be spatially incorporated, used and made accessible. With the Investment Programme for National UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the German government supports the states, municipal authorities and organizations responsible in ensuring the protection and preservation of German World Heritage Sites. At 33 of the 37 World Heritage Sites in Germany, projects are underway supported by federal funds totaling 220 million euros (2009-2014). Towns and cities not included in the UNESCO World Heritage program can also benefit from the insights gained and communicated in implementing current projects and measures. The exhibition presents all 37 German UNESCO Sites using a selection of photographs and exhibits, while also providing information on the Sites themselves together with the modernization and development measures realized there. Among the exhibits are several exquisite items that deserve a closer look, such as a colored wooden model dating back to 1650 of St. Michael s Church in Hildesheim (built around 1050; World Heritage Site since 1985). Visitors will be enchanted by the intense coloring of an experimental model from 2002-07 of Gerhard Richter s luminous stained-glass window for Cologne Cathedral (1248/1842; World Heritage Site since 1996). There are also highly profane items, such as the Oberharzer Bodenstampfer (earth pounding equipment) used to seal the turf of the dams of Rammelsberg Mine (19 th century; World Heritage Site since 1992, expanded in 2010), which bring the history of a place to life. Souvenirs add an ironic touch to the presentation and will no doubt put a smile on one or two faces. We hope that visitors will feel inspired to embark on an individual journey through Germany, visiting the various World Heritage Sites and discovering en route how past, present and future are interconnected. THE INVESTMENT PROGRAMME FOR NATIONAL UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITES The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development set up the Investment Programme for National UNESCO World Heritage Sites in two parts in early 2009 and early 2010 respectively. From 2009 to 2014 a total of 220 million euros in federal funds will be available for the further development and upkeep of German UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Funding goes to investment and conceptual measures serving to preserve, modernize or further develop World Heritage Sites and which have a model character for urban development. This includes modernizing historical monuments and landscaped parks as well as conducting urban planning measures. The projects to receive funding are chosen by an independent body of experts, who base their recommendations on the following criteria: PRESSINFORMATION Page 2

Urban development (importance for urban development, impact on the cityscape, architectural quality) Preservation (preservative/restorative measures, reversibility and acceptability of additions) Other aspects (urgency, feasibility, sustainability of usage, model character, innovative character, energy-related aspects, economic impact) Based on the recommendations of the body of experts, the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development has selected more than 200 projects to receive funding. PUBLICATION An eponymous publication will accompany the exhibition UNESCO World Heritage. A Tour of Germany. Alongside three introductory essays on UNESCO World Heritage and the Investment Programme, it includes 37 short portraits of the World Heritage Sites, written by 37 renowned journalists and authors, mostly architecture journalists and critics. They describe in their vivid accounts the striking features, consistencies and inconsistencies they encountered during their visits to the sites, which are underscored by their personal photographic impressions. Paul Andreas, Karen Jung, Peter Cachola Schmal (ed.) UNESCO World Heritage. A Tour of Germany Kehrer Publishers Heidelberg 2013 englisch; Softcover, 264 pages with 216 coloured images, size 17 x 24 cm With essays from Birgitta Ringbeck, Hanno Rauterberg, Hubertus Adam, Wolfgang Bachmann, Ira Mazoni, Wolfgang Pehnt and others. ISBN: 978-3-86828-379-2 Museum shop prize: 29,90 EUR/Book Store Prize: 34,80 EUR PRESSINFORMATION Page 3

THE GERMAN WORLD HERITAGE SITES Aachener Dom (1978) Speyerer Dom (1981) Würzburger Residenz und Hofgarten (1981) Wallfahrtskirche "Die Wies" (1983) Schlösser Augustusburg und Falkenlust in Brühl (1984) Dom und Michaeliskirche in Hildesheim (1985) Römische Baudenkmäler, Dom und Liebfrauenkirche von Trier (1986) Hansestadt Lübeck (1987) Schlösser und Parks von Potsdam und Berlin (1990) Kloster Lorsch (1991) Bergwerk Rammelsberg, Altstadt von Goslar und Oberharzer Wasserwirtschaft (1992) Altstadt von Bamberg (1993) Klosteranlage Maulbronn (1993) Stiftskirche, Schloss und Altstadt von Quedlinburg (1994) Völklinger Hütte (1994) Grube Messel (1995) Kölner Dom (1996) Das Bauhaus und seine Stätten in Weimar und Dessau (1996) Luthergedenkstätten in Eisleben und Wittenberg (1996) Klassisches Weimar (1998) Wartburg (1999) Museumsinsel Berlin (1999) Gartenreich Dessau-Wörlitz (2000) Klosterinsel Reichenau (2000) Industriekomplex Zeche Zollverein in Essen (2001) Altstädte von Stralsund und Wismar (2002) Oberes Mittelrheintal (2002) Rathaus und Roland in Bremen (2004) Muskauer Park (2004) Grenzen des Römischen Reiches: Obergermanisch-raetischer Limes (2005) Altstadt von Regensburg mit Stadtamhof (2006) Siedlungen der Berliner Moderne (2008) Wattenmeer (2009) Alte Buchenwälder Deutschlands (2011) Fagus-Werk in Alfeld (2011) Prähistorische Pfahlbauten um die Alpen (2011) Markgräfliches Opernhaus Bayreuth (2012) PRESSINFORMATION Page 4

Sat/Sun, 3 p.m. Open guided tours by curator Yorck Förster; admission to the museum EUR 7 Euro/ EUR 3.50 reduced Wednesday, 13 March 2013, 19.00 Lecture Die Wasserkünste von Wilhelmshöhe. Die Inszenierung der Urgewalt des Wassers Museum and Bar open till 22.00. Admission 5, Euro Tuesday 26 Thursday, 28 March 2013, 10.00 18.00 LegoBaustelle UNESCO World Heritage in Lego Admission 3, Euro Thursday, 4 April 2013, 15.00-17.00 UNESCO World Heritage: The Würzburger Residenz Lecture by Stefanie Lampe Admission 10,- Euro (including one coffee) Thursday, 11 April 2013, 19.00 Lecture Kloster Lorsch. Neue Wege zu einem alten Ort Museum and Bar open till 22.00. Admission 5, Euro Thursday, 25. April 2013, 15-17 Uhr UNESCO World Heritage: The Klosteranlage Maulbronn Lecture by Stefanie Lampe Admission 10,- Euro (including one coffee) Monday, 13 May 2013, 10.00-18.00 Conference World Heritage in Hessen. Become World Heritage be World Heritage More Information: The Coinciding Program is in cooperation with the hessian Ministry of science and art and the state office for the preservation of historical monuments. PRESSINFORMATION Page 5

IMPRINT UNESCO Welterbe. Eine Deutschlandreise 6. Februar 26. Mai 2013 im Deutschen Architekturmuseum (DAM), 1. OG An exhibition by Deutsches Architekturmuseus (DAM) in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development. Director DAM Peter Cachola Schmal Exhibition curator Dr. Karen Jung Consultant Dr. Olaf Asendorf, Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt und Raumforschung im Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung Compilation of measures by the National UNESCO World Heritage Sites Investment Program Dr. Marcus Gwechenberger, PROPROJEKT GmbH, Frankfurt am Main Graphic design and exhibition design DESERVE Raum und Medien Design, Wiesbaden / Berlin Mario Lorenz, Lars Schneider, Nadja Kugler Realization exhibition design Oliver Taschke Schreinerei, Offenbach Realization graphic design Inditec GmbH, Bad Camberg Relief model of Germany with projection Architectura Virtualis GmbH, Darmstadt Technical support Jochen Krimm Translation German / English, Frankfurt am Main Poster and invitation cards GARDENERS, Frankfurt am Main Registrar Wolfgang Welker, Jörn-Luca Schön Collection DAM Inge Wolf Installation of the exhibition Paolo Brunino, Enrico Hirsekorn, Marina Barry, Ulrich Diekmann, Caroline Krause, Joachim Müller-Rahn, Harald Pompl, Michael Reiter, Angela Tonner, Beate Voigt, Gerhard Winkler unter der Leitung von under the direction of Christian Walter Administration staff Inka Plechaty, Jacqueline Künstler, Jacqueline Brauer Education Christina Budde Facility Management Joachim Müller-Rahn Press and Public Relations Stefanie Lampe In Cooperation with: PRESSINFORMATION Page 6

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM) and the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development would like to thank cordially all those people and institutions who contributed to this exhibition. Schildwächter Stadtplaner Ingenieure, Kaiserslautern Schlösser Augustusburg und Falkenlust, Brühl Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden Württemberg, Bruchsal Stadt Aachen, Untere Denkmalbehörde Stadt Bamberg Stadt Goslar stadt Hildesheim, FB Stadtplanung und Stadtentwicklung Stadt Koblenz Stadt Köln Stadt Lorsch Stadt Quedlinburg Stadt Regensburg Planungs- und Baureferat Welterbekoordination Stadt Würzburg, Projektbüro für Stadtentwicklung, Stadterneuerungsgesellschaft Stralsund mbh Stadtplanung und Denkmalpflege, Dessau-Roßlau Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau Stiftung Fürst Pückler Park, Bad Muskau Stiftung Luthergedenkstätten in Sachsen-Anhalt, Lutherstadt Eisleben Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg (SPSG), Potsdam Stiftung Zollverein, Essen Thomas Orth, Architekt, Bad Dürkheim Tiefbauamt Stadt Regensburg Trier Tourismus TU München, Lehrstuhl für Baugeschichte, Historische Bauforschung und Denkmalpflege, Prof. Dr.- Ing. Manfred Schuller Welterbe Grube Messel GmbH Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte, Europäisches Zentrum für Kunst und Industriekultur, Völklingen/ Saarbrücken Wittenberg Architekten, Weimar Press images for announcements and reports during the exhibition period at PRESSINFORMATION Page 7

8 June 1 September 2013 Think Global, Build Social! Architectures for a better world 15 June 1 September 2013 Bollinger + Grohmann. Behind the scenes DEUTSCHES ARCHITEKTURMUSEUM Press & Public Relations Schaumainkai 43, 60596 Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Stefanie Lampe, M.A. T +49 (0)69 212 36318 \ F +49 (0)69 212 36386 PRESSINFORMATION Page 8