HCV. C C hepatitis C virus HCV HCV HCV HCV. Human genome project HCV. sustained viral response SVR transient viral response TVR non viral response NVR

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Vol. 24 No. 2 207 43 WAS IL28B hepatitis virus HV 1.7 150 HV 7 8 HV 1975 3 HV 1 HV 20 30 Peg IFN RBV Peg IFN RBV HV 2 80 HV 2 1 50 3,4 HV HV HV Human genome project Peg IFN RBV HV 1 Peg IFN RBV sustained viral response SVR transient viral response VR non viral response NVR Masashi Mizokami 272 8516 1 7 1

208 1 IFN Factor Feature HV genotype 1 ore70 R Q, H ore91 L M ISDR 0 wild SVR SVR Peg IFN RBV SVR VR VR NVR SVR Peg IFN RBV SVR VR 5,6 48 72 VR SVR HV HV 1 70 91 NS5A interferon stimulated determination region ISDR interferon ribavirin resistance determining region IRRDR NVR 1 7 9 NVR 50 60 IRRDR 6 2000 Human genome project 2003 10 12 1 300 SNPs single nucleotide polymorphisms SNPs 1,000 SNPs SNPs SNPs SNPs HapMap 13 SNPs SNPs SNPs SNPs 14,15

Vol. 24 No. 2 209 2 IFN IL 28B Sensitive Resistant rs8105790 rs11881222 A rs8103142 rs28416813 rs4803219 rs7248668 A OR 95 I 11.1 6.6 18.6 0.1 0.04 0.12 p value 1.35 10 25 1.81 10 32 17 HV 2007 Peg IFN RBV Peg IFN RBV SNPs 6.0 array 90 SNPs enome wide association study WAS 62 SNPs SNPs Digiag2 16 VR SVR SVR & VR VR NVR NVR VR NVR 19 IL28B SNPs 17 SNPs p 3.11 10 15 odds ratio OR 30 SNPs SNPs SNPs OR 11 p 1.35 10 25 2 3 SNPs Peg IFN RBV OR 18 20 3 SVR e OR 3.1 SNPs rs12979860 SNPs HV Peg IFN RBV SNPs Suppiah Rauch SNPs OR 1.98 5.19 rs12979860 SNPs HapMap 4

210 3 WAS 4 Study e Suppiah anaka Region Northern America Northern Europe, Australia Japan Ancestry aucasian African Hispanic aucasian Japanese WAS size 871 191 75 293 142 ase control SVR vs. non SVR SVR vs. non SVR SVR vs. non SVR SVR & VR vs. NVR HV genotype 1 1 1 Significant SNPs rs12979860 p value 1.37 10 28 9.25 10 9 1.18 10 18 OR 95 I 3.1 2.1 4.7 1.98 1.57 2.52 12.1 6.5 22.4 SVR Sustained viral response, VR ransient viral response, NVR Non viral response, PE IFN Pegylated interferon alpha, RBV Ribavirin 4 2SNPs SNPs rs12979860 P value 1.21 10 28 4.37 10 26 aucasians 0.99 D African 1.00 Hispanics 1.00 Peg IFN RBV 19 NR Peg IFN RBV 13 SVR WAS WAS HV Peg IFN RBV RBV VR SVR HV IL 28B Fellay 1,286 SNPs rs6051702 20 SNPs 20 Inosine triphosphatase IPA rs1127354 rs7270101 5 21,22 Fellay rs6051702 rs7270101 rs1128354 SNPs

Vol. 24 No. 2 211 IPA SNPs rs1127354 5 SNPs Rs7270101 Population European African Hispanic ombined European African Hispanic ombined MAF 7.6 4.6 4.0 6.9 12.3 7.9 8.0 11.2 Independent p value 2.3 10 68 5.1 10 7 5.6 10 5 5.9 10 26 3.6 10 38 6.6 10 5 1.9 10 5 2.6 10 43 MAF minor allele frequency 20 6 SNPs homas Rauch SNPs rs12989760 Population European African HV mono HV & HIV combined OR 2.6 3.1 2.49 2.16 2.31 p value 1.0 10 7 1.0 10 4 1.96 10 5 8.25 10 5 6.07 10 9 HV HV 30 20,23,24 homas e rs12979860 SNPs Rauch WAS HV SNPs SNPs rs12979860 HV IL28B 6 Human immuno deficiency virus HIV HIV HV 25 4 IL28B SNPs IL28B ype IFN IFNIFN 3 26,27 IFN IFN IFN IFN IPA 28 IP RBV AP HV

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