SAP FOR BANKING. SAP for Banking: Transactional Banking

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3 SAP for Banking: Analytical Banking SAP for Banking: SAP Leasing Hinweise zu den SAP for Banking-Schulungen Der Gesamtbereich der SAP for Banking-Schulungen umfasst die Bereiche: Transactional Banking, Analytical Banking und SAP Leasing. Die Detailschulungen sind auf die Mitglieder des Projektteams ausgerichtet. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Vermittlung exemplarischer Geschäftsprozesse. Unser industriespezifisches Schulungsangebot wird laufend aktualisiert und erweitert. Die jeweils aktuellsten Informationen finden Sie in unserem Online Trainings Katalog unter: 3

4 FS001 Einführung in das Bankwesen Dauer 2Tage Zielgruppe Berater IT-Mitarbeiter die ein Grundwissen erwerben möchte, um projekte in Banken besser durchführen zu können. Voraussetzungen Erforderliches Wissen: Keines Empfohlenes Wissen: Keines Ziele Grundbegriffe der Finanzwirtschaft kennenlernen Einen Überblick über Funktion und Struktur des Bankwesens erhalten Die wesentlichen Bankprodukte, -Leistungen und -Prozesse kennenlernen Eine Grundlage für die SAP-spezifischen Bankkurse erhalten Inhalt Der Kurs vermittelt die finanzwirtschaftlichen Grundbegriffe und gibt einen Überblick über die Struktur und Funktion des Bankwesens in Deutschland und Europa. Weiterhin werden die wichtigsten Aktiv- und Passiv-Bankprodukte vorgestellt mit den zugehörigen Geschäftsprozessen, u. a. Giro- und Einlagekonten, Karten, Konsumenten und Hypothekenkredite. Zusätzlich zu diesen Retailprodukten werden die Grundzüge der Firmenfinanzierung dargestellt. Einfache Wertpapiere wie Aktien und Anleihen werden diskutiert, Derivate werden nicht behandelt. In einem Exkurs werden nationale Besonderheiten des Bankwesens besprochen. Das erworbene Wissen wird in Übungsaufgaben überprüft. FS040 Processes in Transactional Banking 5days Consultants Project team members Key users FS001 (Introduction to the Banking Industry) FS200 (Overview of SAP for Banking) The goal of the FS040 course is to give the attendees an overview of the core banking processes that are delivered by SAP Banking Services 6.0 system. The course covers main business processes supported by SAP Banking Services 6.0: customer management, current accounts, product pricing and launching, loans and cards management, collaterals, payment processes etc. Overview of SAP Banking Services and its main components Maintenence of customer data and opening a new current account Introduction to the product and pricing management concept. Presentation of the key features in the area of payment processing and operations Explanation of the processing of requests concerning changes in the contracts Overview of the Loans Management functionality Overview, the basic functions and the approach of the collateral management Card Management functionality overview The concept of the Master Contract Management and specification of various options that are available for customers to support their liquidity management processes. Overview of the discounting functionality: introduction to Bundle pricing, calculations of the discounts and rebates over number of accounts. The general principle of the end of day processing, including the error handling and general ledger transfer. Overview of the reporting concept SAP BI. Introduction of country specific functionalities: - US: Overdraft Protection, PDM, Dormancy & Escheat, Checks Processing - China: interest calculation, withdrawal with settlement, etc. 4

5 FS200 Overview of SAP for Banking 2hours Prospective customers New users SAP01 (SAP Overview) The course participants gain an overview of SAP for Banking Analytical Banking Transactional Banking Customer-Centric Banking SAP ERP ESA for Banking This course replaces FS200 (classroom training). This course does not contain any exercises in a live system. FS210 Darlehensverwaltung für Financial Services Dauer 5Tage Zielgruppe Projektleiter Verantwortliche Mitglieder des Projektteams Voraussetzungen Erforderliches Wissen: AC010 (Geschäftsprozesse im Financial Accounting) Empfohlenes Wissen: AC200 (Buchhaltung Customizing I: Hauptbuch, Debitoren, Kreditoren) Ziele Die Teilnehmer werden mit den Funktionen und dem zugehörigen Customizing der SAP Anwendung für die Verwaltung von Darlehen CML Consumer and Mortgage Loans vertraut gemacht. DerKursvermitteltinersterLinieWissenzudenfürdie Vergabe von Hypothekendarlehen typischen Abläufen, zeigt aber auch die Besonderheiten und Möglichkeiten für die Verwaltung anderer Darlehenstypen, z. B. von Konsumentenkrediten, auf. Sie lernen typische Abläufe der Vertragsanbahnung und die Bearbeitung der zum Darlehen gehörenden Sicherheiten kennen. Neben den grundlegenden Funktionen der Buchhaltungsund Bestandsverwaltung wird ein Überblick über das Informationssystem gegeben. Auf Vorsorge und Handhabung von im Lebenszyklus eines Darlehens möglichen Leistungsstörungen wird ebenfalls eingegangen. Inhalt Überblick über die Funktionen und Inhalte der Darlehensverwaltung sowie angrenzende Systeme Einführung in den Financial Services-Geschäftspartner Vertragsanbahnungsprozess: vom Antrag bis zum Vertrag inklusive Verwaltung der Sicherheiten Bestandsverwaltung von Darlehen: Vertragsänderungen, Geschäftsvorfälle, Prolongationen Buchhaltung: Auszahlung, Sollstellung, Zahlungseingangsverarbeitung Leistungsstörungen: Mahnen, Verzugzinsen, Wertberichtigungen, Vertragsauflösungen Bewertung von Darlehen Überblick Informationssystem Bereichsspezifische Customizing-Einstellungen 5

6 FS212 Loans Management in SAP Banking Services 3days Project manager Projectteam members FS040 Processes in Transactional Banking The participants are familiarized with the basic knowledge of ESOA and the idea of Banking Services You will be introduced to the typical processes involved in creating an installment loan and processing the insurances associated with it. The course also covers the loan maintenance processes from disbursement to early payoff. Finally you will gain an overview of the end-of-day processing involved. Overview of new functions of platform and ESOA Basic principles: Discussion of accountt structures, payment orders and items, incoming payment principle, due date process and condition model Getting started: Introduction to Financial Services Business Partner, product configurator and reflection of a bank s structure New Business: Creation of a contract, managing insurance policies, disbursement and rescission Position management: Billing and invoicing, settlement, direct debit, incoming payments, business operations Banking Services 6.0 FS215 Konsumentenkredite im SAP Loans Management Dauer 3Tage Zielgruppe Projektteam und interessierte Anwender Voraussetzungen Erforderliches Wissen: AC010 (Geschäftsprozesse im Financial Accounting) Empfohlenes Wissen: FS210 (Darlehensverwaltung für Financial Services) Ziele Die Teilnehmer werden mit den Funktionen und dem zugehörigen Customizing von Konsumentenkrediten im SAP LoansMangement vertraut gemacht. Der Kurs vermittelt Wissen zur Ausgestaltung von Produkten, Konditionen und der Verwendung von Kreditversicherungen. Inhalt Überblick über die Funktionen und Inhalte der Darlehensverwaltung, Abgrenzung der Konsumentenkredite sowie Anbindung an den SAP-Geschäftspartner Vertragsanbahnungsprozess: von der Modellrechnung zum Vertrag Bestandsverwaltung von Konsumentenkrediten: Vertragsänderungen und Geschäftsvorfälle Buchhaltung: Auszahlung, Sollstellung, Zahlungseingangsverarbeitung Leistungsstörungen: Mahnen, neue Verzugzinsbearbeitung, Stundung, Rückstandskapitalisierung, Vertragsauflösungen Bereichsspezifische und für Konsumentenkredite notwendige Customizing-Einstellungen Hinweise Diese Anwenderschulung wurde im Rahmen einer Curriculumspartnerschaft von unserem Partner b²tec GmbH entwickelt. The course material is currently updated. For latest information please refer to the Online Training Catalogue: 6

7 FS225 Collateral Management Dauer 3Tage Zielgruppe SAP Kunden (Anwender) Berater Projektleiter, Verantwortliche Mitglieder des Projektteams Voraussetzungen Erforderliches Wissen: Keines Empfohlenes Wissen: Business Knowhow zu Besicherungsprozessen Anwendungswissen in SAP Banking Modulen SAP Erfahrungen und Wissen Ziele Überblick über CMS Architektur und Funktionsumfang von CMS 4.0 Einblick in CMS Rel. 4.0: Funktionalität der Anwendung und zugehörige Customizing-Funktionalitäten Inhalt CMS Architektur Überblick CCMS Business Szenario Beispiele für Geschäftsprozesse CMS Objektverwaltungen (z. B. Immobilie ) CMS Sicherheitenverwaltung (Last, Sicherheitenvereinbarung, Sicherungsumfang, Sicherheitenpools ) CMS Prozesssteuerung (Statusverwaltung, Freigabe, Berechtigungen ) CMS Berechnungen CMS Reporting, Korrespondenz CMS Schnittstellen (Geschäftspartner, Darlehensverwaltung, Basel II, BI) FS230 SAP Deposits (BCA) Kontokorrent-, Spar- und Festgeldkonten Dauer 5Tage Zielgruppe Projektteam Projektleiter Berater Voraussetzungen Erforderliches Wissen: Keines Empfohlenes Wissen: Keines Ziele Der Schulungsteilnehmer soll einen Gesamtüberblick über die Kerngeschäftsprozesse, die Kontokorrent-, Spar- und Festgeld- Funktionen der Komponente Deposits (BCA) erhalten. Inhalt Produktkonfigurator Zentraler Geschäftspartner Konfiguration der Kontofunktionen Konditionenmodell Konfiguration der Konditionen Scheckverwaltung Kontoführung und Zahlungsverkehr Bankprodukte im Passivgeschäft Kündigungsverwaltung Freibetragsverwaltung Laufzeitsteuerung Laufzeitabhängige Konditionen Periodische Arbeiten Hauptbuchübergabe Reporting Spar- und Festgeldkonten Charakteristika der Sparkonten Betragskündigung Vorzeitige Verfügung Festgeldkonten Charakteristika der Festgeldkonten Anlage, Prolongation und Auflösung eines Festgeldkontos 7

8 FS260 Deposits Management 5days Project team members Consultants Project Manager FS040 (Processes in Transactional Banking) FS200 (SAP Banking Overview) SAP01 (SAP Overview) In FS040 you have learned how to apply core banking processes offered by banking services from SAP 6.0 on application level. Within the course FS260 you will learn how to configure specific Deposits Management products and processes on customizing level. The course will teach you a deeper understanding of the powerful interaction of processes on application level on the one hand and their configuration on customizing level on the other hand. You will learn how to build up your on bank from the start, set up your own products and processes and include them into an End-of-Day processing. Customizing and configuration of: - Set up of a new bank - Business Partner - Product- and Order-Management - Pricing Financial Conditions - Settlement - Extended Settlement - Payment Transactions - Currency Exchange - Posting Checks - Posting Lock Management - Posting Control Office - Posting Control Rules - Master Contract Management - Effective Cash Pooling - Bundle Pricing - Interest Compensation - Charge Compensation - Facilities - General Ledger Transfer - End-of-Day Processing - Postprocessing Office - Release Tool Banking Services from SAP 6.0 SAP ERP Central Component 6.0 FS270 SAP Leasing Overview Customers and any interested party intending to get an overview of SAP Leasing and all related processes SAP Consultants and Partners CRM: basic knowledge of concepts like Business Partners, Product Master, Transaction Types and Integration of CRM with ERP is necessary to be able to follow our Leasing course ERP: basic knowledge of the concepts and functions of ERP Accounting (Asset Management, AR/AP, CA) to understand the business purpose and the accounting side of SAP Leasing SAPCRM (Overview of CRM) CR100 (CRM Customizing Fundamentals) CR300 (CRM Sales) AC010 (Business Processes in Financial Accounting) IUT240 (Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable) Participants will get a complete understanding of the SAP Leasing solution. Using manageable and representative business processes the course will guide you through all functionalities of the solution General overview of the SAP Leasing solution and its integration into SAP CRM and SAP ERP SAP CRM master data: needed and enhanced to meet leasing requirements Complete mysap CRM life cycle of the leasing contract Accounting and billing processes Integration into Asset Accounting General remarks on the concepts and possibilities to customize the leasing solution to meet customer requirements SAP ERP Central Component 6.0 EHP 3 SAP CRM 2007 Customizing will only be show in overview and for the purpose of general understanding. Customizing course are also available: - FS272 SAP Leasing CRM Customizing (3 days) - FS271 SAP Leasing ERP Customizing (2 days) 8

9 FS271 SAP Leasing ERP Customizing Projectteam SAP Consultants and Partners CRM: basic knowledge of concepts like Business Partners, Product Master, Transaction Types and Integration of CRM with ERP is necessary to be able to follow our Leasing course ERP: basic knowledge of the concepts and functions of ERP Accounting (Asset Management, AR/AP, CA) to understand the business purpose and the accounting side of SAP Leasing SAPCRM (Overview of SAP CRM) CR100 (CRM Customizing Fundamentals) CR300 (CRM Sales) AC010 (Business Processes in Financial Accounting) IUT240 (Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable) FS270 (SAP Leasing Overview) Participants will receive customizing details for the most important areas of SAP Leasing in ERP. Participants will learn how to set up the Lease Accounting Engine. Using manageable and representative business processes the course will guide you through all functionalities of the solution Value Ids Value Derivation Classification Accruals One-time postings Fixed Asset Integration Option ID CO Integration Billing Plan System Customizing Subsequent Adjustments Reporting External allocation number usage recommendation New processes SAP ERP Central Component 6.0 EHP 3 SAP CRM 2007 FS272 SAP Leasing CRM Customizing 3days Customers and any interested party intending to get an overview of SAP Leasing and all related processes SAP Consultants and Partners CRM: basic knowledge of concepts like Business Partners, Product Master, Transaction Types and Integration of CRM with ERP is necessary to be able to follow our Leasing course ERP: basic knowledge of the concepts and functions of ERP Accounting (Asset Management, AR/AP, CA) to understand the business purpose and the accounting side of SAP Leasing SAPCRM (Overview of CRM) CR100 (CRM Customizing Fundamentals) CR300 (CRM Sales) AC010 (Business Processes in Financial Accounting) IUT240 (Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable) FS270 (SAP Leasing Overview) Participants will receive customizing details for the most important areas of SAP Leasing in SAP CRM. Participants get details of the Pricing and FIMA settings for SAP Leasing. Using manageable and representative business processes the course will guide you through all functionalities of the solution Financing Products: Standard Attributes and Hierachies/Categories New Lease Document: CRM Document and Pricing CAI Tool FiMa FiMa Test Environment Floating Rates and Indexation Remarketing Status Handling SAP ERP Central Component 6.0 EHP 3 SAP CRM 2007 Additional a customizing training for Lease Accounting Engine is also available: FS271 (SAP Leasing ERP Customizing Workshop) (2 days) Additional a customizing training for SAP CRM is also available for SAP Leasing: FS272. 9

10 FS290 SAP Bank Analyzer Basic Architecture 1day Bank Managers Project Managers IT Architects Relevant members of customer projects Consultants FS200 (Overview of SAP for Banking) Understand the architecture of SAP Bank Analyzer Get an overview of the Financial Database Explain all functions of the Source Data Layer as a consolidated Data Store for all applications The course provides an overview of the SAP Service Financial Database. You will get an overview about the main architecture guidelines of Bank Analyzer. The course explains the role of the Source Data Layer in the areas data modeling, data transfer, data storage, data retrieval and data extraction. Bank Analyzer 5.0 Course material: English FS291 SAP Integrated Financial & Management Accounting Overview 1day Project Managers IT Architects Relevant members of customer project teams Consultants FS200 (Overview of SAP for Banking) Basic knowledge of IFRS 32/39 Basic knowledge of profitability analysis This course will prepare you to: - Understand the technical architecture of the SAP Banking Services 6.0 Integrated Financial and Management Accounting (IFMA) solution and its use in Banking Process Platform - Explain the data flow in an Integrated Financial and Management accounting process - Participate in the detailed courses FS293, FS295, FS297 and FS299 The course gives you an introduction to the basic concept of the SAP Bank Analyzer Integrated Financial & Management Accounting solution. The integration of the IFMA-Solution within SAP Banking Services 6.0 is depicted as well as thelayerarchitectureofthebankanalyzer. Thecourse describes the functional scope of the AFI subledger, IFMA and profitability analysis solutions, outlines their use and stresses the integration of financial and management accounting. An abstract on balance sheet, P&L and profitability reporting is given as well. Banking Services from SAP

11 FS292 Processes with SAP Financial Database Members of implementation project teams Technical consultants SAP system experience FS290 (SAP Bank Analyzer Basic Architecture) This course will give you detailed insight into the FDB Service Architecture and functionality Architecture and Primary Objects Modeling with templates General Methods Data Transfer Reporting SAP Bank Analyzer 5.0 Course material: English FS293 Processes in SAP Accounting for Financial Instruments Members of customer project teams Technical support members Users of Bank Analyzer FS291 (SAP Integrated Financial & Management Accounting Overview) Understand the AFI system architecture Haveadetailedviewonthestepsfromdatastoragetothe Source Data Layer and Result Data Layer, valuating in the ProcessandMethodsDataLayer Understand the possibility of analysis in the Analytics Layer to reporting in the Business Warehouse The course explains the system architecture and the data flow in AFI. The required steps of a balance process are displayed. The course shows in a reporting example the drill down to single financial instruments in the Business Warehouse. SAP Bank Analyzer 5.0 Course material: English The merge scenario is not content of this course. 11

12 FS295 SAP Accounting for Financial Instruments Customizing Members of implementation project teams Technical Consultants FS293 (Processes in SAP Accounting for Financial Instruments) SAP system experience Customize the basic settings for the subledger scenario Customize the required entries needed for a legal entity Customize settings of data storage (RDL) and infrastructure (XI, GL) Customizing balance process settings concerning before and after generation Thecoursetransfershowtocustomizethebasicsettingsfor the subledger scenario. The course informs about the settings required for the balance process. Descriptions of the detailed customizing requirements to generate a balance sheet are given. Also are given a profit and losses statement or notes to the balance sheet. SAP Bank Analyzer 5.0 Course material: English The merge scenario is not content of this course. FS297 SAP Profitability Analysis and Integrated Financial & Management Accounting Processes Members of customer project teams Technical support members Consultants FS291 (SAP Integrated Financial & Management Accounting Overview) FS293 (Processes in SAP Accounting for Financial Instruments) This course will prepare you to: - Understand the Profitability Analysis (PA) and Integrated Financial and Management Accounting (IFMA) system architecture - Have a detailed view on the business events relevant to profitability management in banks - Understand the implemented net present value concept - Understand cost accounting processes and profitability reporting The course explains the system architecture and the data flow in PA and IFMA. The required steps of a profitability process are displayed. The various calculation procedures and the storage of results which are used in reports such as contribution margin schemes are illustrated in detail Banking Services from SAP

13 FS299 SAP Profitability Analysis and Integrated Financial & Management Accounting Cost Type Details and Customizing Members of implementation project teams Technical consultants FS297 (SAP Profitability Analysis and Integrated Financial & Management Accounting Processes) FS295 (SAP Accounting for Financial Instruments Customizing) This course will prepare you to: - Understand all relevant cost types in detail - Understand standard cost methods and their customizing - Understand funds transfer pricing methods and their customizing - Customizing cost accounting process settings and funding position settings The course shows how to customize the basic settings for the profitability solution. Details on standard cost types and funds transfer pricing are outlined. Descriptions of the detailed customizing requirements to calculate these cost types are given and the settings required for the cost calculation process are explained. Banking Services from SAP 6.0 FSBA08 SAP Basel II Overview 1day Bank Managers Project Managers IT Architects Relevant members of customer project teams Consultants FS200 (Overview of SAP for Banking) Legislation Basel II (Revised Framework, CAD and national legislation e.g. SolvV) understand how the SAP Basel II solution supports Basel II use the SAP Bank Analyzer for Basel II credit risk calculation and reporting introduce business scenarios with exposures and risk mitigates in the SAP Bank Analyzer environment The course gives an overview about the SAP Basel II solution and shows how to use the calculation engine. SAP Bank Analyzer 5.0 Course material: English This course is scheduled only on demand. You have the possibility to prebook for this course under 13

14 FSBA10 Processes in SAP Basel II Members of customer project teams Technical support members User of Bank Analyzer Business knowledge Basel II FSBA08 (SAP Basel II Overview) Understand how the SAP Bank Analyzer supports Basel II Use the SAP Basel II Analyzer for Basel II credit risk calculations and reporting Risk management for Bank Introduction of the main process Calculation of capital requirements for different approaches Using the Calculation Process Using Historical Database Using BI SAP Bank Analyzer 5.0 Course material: English This course is scheduled only on demand. You have the possibility to prebook for this course under FSBA20 SAP Basel II Customizing Members of implementation project teams Technical Consultants FSBA10 (Processes in SAP Basel II) SAP system experience implement the business requirements for the SAP Financial Database, SAP Credit Risk Analyzer and Historical Database set-up customer-specific requirements describe how business contents supports the customer configuration of the SAP Bank Analyzer Themainfocusofthecoursearethecustomizingactivitiesto implement the calculation process. You have a detailed view of the data enrichment process and Module Editor. In addition to the Basel II Calculation the course transfers the main topics to Historical Database. SAP Bank Analyzer 5.0 Course material: English This course is scheduled only on demand. You have the possibility to prebook for this course under 14

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SAP FOR BANKING. SAP for Banking: Transactional Banking. SAP for Banking Analytical Banking. SAP for Banking: SAP Leasing SAP FOR BANKING 1 SAP FOR BANKING SAP for Banking: Transactional Banking SAP for Banking Analytical Banking SAP for Banking: SAP Leasing 2 Hinweise zu den SAP for Banking-Schulungen Der Gesamtbereich der


SAP FOR BANKING. SAP for Banking: Transactional Banking. SAP for Banking: Analytical Banking

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