3 Samaras P, Pfrommer S, Seifert B, Petrausch U, Mischo A, Schmidt A, Schanz U, Nair G, Bargetzi M, Taverna C, Stupp R, Stenner-Liewen F, Renner C

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Forschungspublikationen 2015 1 Wicki A, Ritschard R, Loesch U, Deuster S, Rochlitz C, Mamot C Large-scale manufacturing of GMP-compliant anti-egfr targeted nanocarriers: Production of doxorubicin-loaded anti-egfr-immunoliposomes for a first-in-man clinical trial Int J Pharm. 2015 Feb 18;484(1-2):8-15. 2 Koeberle D, Betticher DC, von Moos R, Dietrich D, Brauchli P, Baertschi D, Matter K, Winterhalder R, Borner M, Anchisi S, Moosmann P, Kollar A, Saletti P, Roth A, Frueh M, Kueng M, Popescu RA, Schacher S, Hess V, Herrmann R Bevacizumab continuation versus no continuation after first-line chemotherapy plus bevacizumab in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: a randomized phase III non-inferiority trial (SAKK 41/06) Ann Oncol. 2015 Apr;26(4):709-14 3 Samaras P, Pfrommer S, Seifert B, Petrausch U, Mischo A, Schmidt A, Schanz U, Nair G, Bargetzi M, Taverna C, Stupp R, Stenner-Liewen F, Renner C Efficacy of vinorelbine plus granulocyte colony-stimulation factor for CD34+ hematopoietic progenitor cell mobilization in patients with multiple myeloma Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2015 Jan;21(1):74-80. 2014 1 Passweg JR, Pabst T, Blum S, Bargetzi M, Li Q, Heim D, Stussi G, Gregor M, Leoncini L, Meyer-Monard S, Brauchli P, Chalandon Y; on behalf of the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK). Azacytidine for acute myeloid leukemia in elderly or frail patients: A phase II trial (SAKK 30/07) Leuk Lymphoma. 2014 Jan;55(1):87-9

2 Wicki A, Wild D, Prêtre V, Mansi R, Orleth A, Reubi JC, Rochlitz C, Mamot C, Mäcke HR, Christofori G. Synergism of peptide receptor-targeted Auger electron radiation therapy with antiangiogenic compounds in a mouse model of neuroendocrine tumors EJNMMI Res. 2014 Feb 16;4(1):9 3 Cantoni N, Recher M. Primary and secondary immunodeficiencies Ther Umsch. 2014 Jan;71(1):31-43 4 Cantoni N, Mamot C, Bargetzi M. Die Behandlung des Multiplen Myeloms in der Schweiz Schweiz. Zeitschrift für Onkolgie 3/2014:6-11 2013 1 Gröschel S, Schlenk RF, Engelmann J, Rockova V, Teleanu V, Kühn MW, Eiwen K, Erpelinck C, Havermans M, Lübbert M, Germing U, Schmidt-Wolf IG, Beverloo HB, Schuurhuis GJ, Ossenkoppele GJ, Schlegelberger B, Verdonck LF, Vellenga E, Verhoef G, Vandenberghe P, Pabst T, Bargetzi M, Krauter J, Ganser A, Valk PJ, Löwenberg B, Döhner K, Döhner H, Delwel R. Deregulated Expression of EVI1 Defines a Poor Prognostic Subset of MLL- Rearranged Acute Myeloid Leukemias: A Study of the German-Austrian Acute Myeloid Leukemia Study Group and the Dutch-Belgian-Swiss HOVON/SAKK Cooperative Group. J Clin Oncol. 2013; 31:95-103. 2 Passweg J, Baldomero H, Bargetzi M, Bucher C, Chalandon Y, Duchosal MA, Gratwohl A, Güngör T, Hess U, Leibundgut K, Nicoloso de Faveri G, Ozsahin H, Pabst T, Renner C, Stern M, Stussi G, Schanz U, For The Sbst Swiss Blood Stem Cell Transplantation GR. Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: activity in Switzerland compared with surrounding European countries. Swiss Med Wkly. 2013 Feb 22;143:w13757

3 Böll B, Görgen H, Fuchs M, Pluetschow A, Eich HT, Bargetzi MJ, Weidmann E, Junghanß C, Greil R, Scherpe A, Schmalz O, Eichenauer DA, von Tresckow B, Rothe A, Diehl V, Engert A, Borchmann P. ABVD in Older Patients With Early-Stage Hodgkin Lymphoma Treated Within the German Hodgkin Study Group HD10 and HD11 Trials. J Clin Oncol. 2013; 31:1522-1529 4 Moser MT, Künzler A, Nussbeck F, Bargetzi M, Znoj HJ. Higher emotional distress in female partners of cancer patients: prevalence and patient-partner interdependencies in a 3-year cohort. Psychooncology. 2013 Dec;22(12):2693-701 5 Schuetz P, Hausfater P, Amin D, Haubitz S, Fässler L, Grolimund E, Kutz A, Schild U, Caldara Z, Regez K, Zhydkov A, Kahles T, Nedeltchev K, von-felten S, De-Geest S, Conca A, Schäfer-Keller P, Huber A, Bargetzi M, Buergi U, Sauvin G, Perrig-Chiello P, Reutlinger B, Mueller B. Optimizing triage and hospitalization in adult general medical emergency patients: the triage project. BMC Emerg Med. 2013 Jul 4;13(1):12. 6 Terwijn M, van Putten WLJ, Kelder A, van der Velden VHJ, Brooimans RA, Pabst T, Maertens J, Boeckx N, de Greef GE, Valk PJM, Preijers FWMB, Huijgens PC, Dräger AM, Schanz U, Jongen-Lavrecic M, Biemond BJ, Passweg JR, van Gelder M, Wijermans P, Graux C, Bargetzi M, Legdeur MC, Kuball J, de Weerdt O, Chalandon Y, Hess U, Verdonck LF, Gratama JW, Oussoren YJM,. Scholten WJ, Slomp J, Snel AN, Vekemans MC, Löwenberg B, Ossenkoppele GJ, and Schuurhuis GJ. High Prognostic Impact of Flow Cytometric Minimal Residual Disease Detection in Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Data From the HOVON/SAKK AML 42A Study. J Clin Oncol. 2013; 31:3889-3897 7 Hitz F, Bargetzi M, Cogliatti S, Lohri A, Taverna C, Renner C, Mey U. Diagnosis and treatment of mantle cell lymphoma. Swiss Med Wkly. 2013;143:w13868.

8 Mendez A, Bargetzi M, Huber A, Cantoni N. Pitfalls and challenges of the preanalytical phase in hematology Therapeut Umschau 2013;70:449-455 9 Früh M, Cathomas R, Siano M, Tscherry G, Zippelius A, Mamot C, Erdmann A, Krasniqi F, Rauch D, Simcock M, Küttel E, Fustier P, Pless M; Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research. Carboplatin and paclitaxel plus ASA404 as first-line chemotherapy for extensivestage small-cell lung cancer: a multicenter single arm phase II trial (SAKK 15/08). Clin Lung Cancer. 2013 Jan;14(1):34-9. 2012 1 Röpke B, Lüthi U, Bargetzi M, Michot M. Rheumatische Symptome bei maligner Grunderkrankung. Praxis. 2012; 101(5): 333-337. 3 Cantoni N, Heizmann M, Bargetzi M. Immune thrombocytopenia and anticoagulation: the role of romiplostim in the early treatment Br J Haematol. 2012; 157(5): 639-641. 4 Nann-Rütti S, Tzankov A, Cantoni N, Halter J, Heim D, Tsakiris D, Arber C, Buser A, Gratwohl A, Tichelli A, Rovó A. Large Granular Lymphocyte Expansion after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant is Associated with a Cytomegalovirus Reactivation and Shows an Indolent Outcome Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2012; 5 Sigle JP, Medinger M, Stern M, Infanti L, Heim D, Halter J, Gratwohl A, Buser A. Prospective change control analysis of transferof platelet concentrate production from a specialized stem cell transplantation unit to a blood transfusion center. J Clin Apher. 2012; 4: 178-182.

6 O Meara A, Infanti L, Sigle J, Stern M, Buser A. Switching iron-deficient whole blood donors to plateletpheresis. Transfusion. 2012; 7 Stern M, O Meara A, Infanti L, Sigle JP, Buser A. Prognostic value of red blood cell parameters and ferritin in predicting deferral due to low haemoglobin in whole blood donors. Ann Hematol. 2012; 91(5): 775-780. 8 Früh M, Cathomas R, Siano M, Tscherry G, Zippelius A, Mamot C, Erdmann A, Krasniqi F, Rauch D, Simcock M, Küttel E, Fustier P, Pless M. Carboplatin and Paclitaxel Plus ASA404 as First-Line Chemotherapy for Extensive- Stage Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A Multicenter Single Arm Phase II Trial (SAKK 15/08). Clin Lung Cancer. 2012; 9 Mamot C, Ritschard R, Wicki A, Küng W, Schuller J, Herrmann R, Rochlitz C, Immunoliposomal delivery of doxorubicin can overcome multidrug resistance mechanisms in EGFR-overexpressing tumor cells. J Drug Target. 2012; 10 Wicki A, Rochlitz C, Orleth A, Ritschard R, Albrecht I, Herrmann R, Christofori G, Mamot C. Targeting tumor-associated endothelial cells: anti-vegfr2 immunoliposomes mediate tumor vessel disruption and inhibit tumor growth. Clin Cancer Res. 2012; 11 von Moos R, Seifert B, Simcock M, Goldinger SM, Gillessen S, Ochsenbein A, Michielin O, Cathomas R, Schläppi M, Hoch H, Schraml PH, Mjhic-Probst D, Mamot C, Schönewolf N, Dummer R. First-line temozolomide combined with bevacizumab in metastatic melanoma: a multicentre phase II trial (SAKK 50/07). Ann Oncol. 2012; 23(2): 531-536.

12 Renner C, Zinzani PL, Gressin R, Klingbiel D, Dietrich PY, Hitz F, Bargetzi M, Mingrone W, Martinelli G, Trojan A, Bouabdallah K, Lohri A, Gyan E, Biaggi C, Cogliatti S, Bertoni F, Ghielmini M, Brauchli P, Ketterer N. A multicentre phase II trial (SAKK 36/06) of single-agent everolimus (RAD001) in patients with relapsed or refractory mantle cell lymphoma. Haematologica. 2012; 97(7): 1085-1091. 13 Wannesson L, Bargetzi M, Cairoli A, Cerutti A, Heim D, Hess U, Lerch E, Pabst T, Renner C, Samaras P, Zucca E. Autotransplantfor Hodgkin lymphoma after failure of upfront BEACOPP escalated (bleomycin, etoposide, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, procarbazine and prednisone). Leuk Lymphoma. 2012; 14 Papst T, Vellenga E, van Putten W, Schouten HC, Graux C, Vekemans MC, Biemond B, Sonneveld P, Passweg J, Verdonck L, Legdeur MC, Theobald M, Jacky E, Bargetzi M, Maertens J, Ossenkoppele GJ, Löwenberg B. Favorable effect of priming with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in remission induction of acute myeloid leukemia restricted to dose escalation of cytarabine. Blood. 2012; 119(23): 5367-5373. 15 Künzler A, Mamié S, Schürer C. Diagnose-Schock: Krebs. Springer-Verlag 2012. 16 Janthur WD, Cantoni N, Mamot C. Drug conjugates such as Antibody Drug Conjugates (ADCs), immunotoxins and immunoliposomes challenge daily clinical practice Int J Mol Sci. 2012 Nov 28;13(12):16020-45

2011 1 Ruhstaller T, Pless M, Dietrich D, Kranzbuehler H, von Moos R, Moosmann P, Montemurro M, Schneider PM, Rauch D, Gautschi O, Mingrone W, Widmer L, Inauen R, Brauchli P, Hess V. Cetuximab in Combination With Chemoradiotherapy Before Surgery in Patients With Resectable, Locally Advanced Esophageal Carcinoma: A Prospective, Multicenter Phase IB/II Trial (SAKK 75/06). Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2011 Feb 20;29(6):626-3 2 Gregor M, Bargetzi M, Duchosal MA, Goede JS, Heim D, Helg C, Korte W, Leoncini L, Solenthaler M, Zenhäusern R. Empfehlungen für Diagnose und Behandlung der chronischen lymphatischen Leukämie in der Schweiz. Swiss Medical Forum. 2011; 11(6): 93-97. 3 Gregor M, Bargetzi M, Duchosal MA, Goede JS, Heim D, Helg C, Korte W, Leoncini L, Solenthaler M, Zenhäusern R. Empfehlungen für Diagnose und Behandlung der chronischen lymphatischen Leukämie in der Schweiz. Teil2: Therapieindikationen und Therapiestrategien. Swiss Medical Forum. 2011; 11(7): 118-124. 4 Alder J, Künzler A, Strittmatter R. Eine Krankheit kommt selten allein. bei körperlichen chronischen erkrankungen darf die Psyche nicht vergessen gehen. Care Management. 2011; 4: 12-15. 5 Rogge CC, Bernasconi L, Schmidt C, Heizmann M. Heparin-induced throbocytopenia with thrombosis. Where are the antibodies and the thrombus? Swiss Medical Forum. 2011.

6 Amrhein A, Schwegler G, Capraro J, Delmeico S, Moosmann P. Progressive multifokale Leukenzephalopathie bei einer Patientin mit Morbus Waldenström. Swiss Medical Forum. 2011. 7 Häne A, Bargetzi M, Hewer E, Bruehlmeier M, Khamis A, Roelcke U. Recurrent tumefactive demyelination without evidence of multiple sclerosis or brain tumour. J Neurol. 2011; 258: 318-320. 8 Bargetzi M. Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia (CMML). Onkologie. 2011; 34 Suppl 6: 36 (V176). 9 Zucca E, Bargetzi M. Marginalzonen-Lymphome. In Therapieleitfaden maligne Lymphome. Ed. Bargetzi M. Uni-Med Verlag, Bremen 2011; 2. Auflage: 60-79. 10 Gregor M, Heizmann M, Bargetzi M. Chronisch Lymphatische Leukämie. In Therapieleitfaden maligne Lymphome. Ed. Bargetzi M. Uni-Med Verlag, Bremen 2011; 2. Auflage: 82-121. 11 Mamot C, Bargetzi M. Mantelzelllymphom. In Therapieleitfaden maligne Lymphome. Ed. Bargetzi M. Uni-Med Verlag, Bremen 2011; 2. Auflage: 140-151.

12 Bühlmann L, Buser AS, Cantoni N, Gerull S, Tichelli A, Gratwohl A, Stern M. Lymphocyte subset recovery and outcome after T-cell replete allogeneic hematopoietic SCT Bone Marrow Transplant. 2011; 46(10): 1357-1362. 13 Cantoni N, Gerull S, Heim D, Halter J, Bucher C, Buser A, Tsakiris DA, Passweg J, Tichelli A, Stern M, Gratwohl A. Order of application and liver toxicity in patients given BU and CY containing regimens for allogeneic hematopoietic SCT Bone Marrow Transplant. 2011; 46(3): 344-349. 14 Cantoni N, Hirsch HH, Khanna N, Gerull S, Buser A, Bucher C, Halter J, Heim D, Tichelli A, Gratwohl A, Stern M. Evidence for a bidirectional relationship between cytomegalovirus replication and acute graft-versus-host disease Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2010 Sep;16(9):1309-14. 15 Cantoni N, Weisser M, Frei R, Lardinois D, Arber C. Black hole in the lung Bone Marrow Transplant. 2011; 46(1): 154-155. 16 Mamot C, Ritschard R, Vogel B, Dieterle T, Bubendorf L, Hilker C, Deuster S, Herrmann R, Rochlitz C. A phase I study of doxorubicin-loaded anti-egfr immunoliposomes in patients with advanced solid tumors. J Clin Oncol. 2011; 29 15S: 201s (3029). 17 Künzler A, Wernli M. Kulturwandel in der Onkologie: Einführung eines biopsychosozialen Belastungsscreenings. Schweizer Krebsbulletin. 2011; 4: 311-314.

18 Mamot C. Aggressive B-Zell-Non-Hodgkin-Lymphome; Staging, Diagnostik und Therapie heute. Schweizer Zeitschrift für Onkologie. 2011; 4: 15-20. bis 2010 1 Künzler A, Zindel A, Znoj HJ, Bargetzi M. Psychische Belastungen bei Krebspatienten und ihren Partnern im ersten Jahr nach Diagnosestellung. Praxis. 2010; 99(10): 593-599. 2 Moosmann P, Heizmann M, Kotrubczik N, Wernli M, Bargetzi M. Weekly tretament with a combination of bortezomib and bendamustine in relapsed or refractory indeolent non-hodgkin lymphoma. Leukemia & Lymphoma. 2010; 51(1): 149-152. 3 Schwappach DLB, Wernli M. Medication errors in chemotherapy: incidence, types and involvement of patients in prevention. A review of the literature. European Journal of Cancer Care. 2010; 19(3): 285-292. 4 Passweg JR, Duchosal MA, Hess U, Blum S, Freiburghaus AU, Bargetzi M, Binder D, Dirnhofer S, Friess D, Goede JS, Gregor M, Himmelmann A, Jotterand M, Leoncini L, Stalder M, Taverna C, Tichelli A für die Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Hämatologie. Empfehlungen für Diagnose und Behandlung des myelodysplastischen Syndroms in der Schweiz. Swiss Medical Forum. 2010; 10(15): 259-265.

5 Schwappach DLB, Hochreutener M-A, Wernli M. Oncology Nurses Perceptions about involving Patients in the Prevention of Chemotherapy Administration Errors. Oncology Nursing Forum. 2010; 37(2): 84-91. 6 Künzler A, Znoj HJ, Bargetzi M. Krebspatienten sind anders. Was häufig auffällt und manchmal schwierig ist. Swiss Medical Forum. 2010; 10(19-20): 344-347. 7 Schwappach DLB, Wernli M. Chemotherapy patients perceptions of drug administration safety. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2010; 28(17): 2896-2901. 8 Künzler A, Böttcher C, Hartmann R, Nussbaum M-H. Körperzentrierte Psychtherapie im Dialog Springer Medizin Verlag 2010. 9 Thürlimann B, Rochlitz C, Aebi SP, Güth U, von Moos R, Müller A, von Rohr L, Baumann M, Huober JB. Trastuzumab (T) tretment beyond progression in metastatic breast cancer (MBC): Patterns of care in Swiss clinical practice. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2010; 28(15S): 150s [1145]. 10 Passweg J, Baldomero H, Stern M, Bargetzi M, Ghielmini M, Leibundgut K, Duchosal M, Hess U, Seger R, Buhrfeind E, Schanz U, Gratwohl A. Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in Switzerland: a comprehensive quality control report on centre effect. Swiss Med Weekly. 2010; 140(23-24): 326-334.

11 Rüfer A, Howell JP, Lange AP, Yamamoto R, Heuscher J, Gregor M, Wuillemin WA. Hereditary hyperferritinemia-cataract syndrome (HHCS) presenting with iron deficiency anemia and the identification of a new and pathogenetic relevant heterozygous mutation +24T>C (=HGVS c.-176t>c) in the iron responsive element of the L ferritin gene in a swiss family. Haematologica. 2010; 95(S2): 432 [1048]. 12 Künzler A, Hodgkinson K, Zindel A, Bargetzi M, Znoj HJ. Who cares, who bears, who benefits? Female spouses vicariously carry the burden after cancer diagnosis. Psychol Health. 2011; 26(3): 337-352. 13 Krayenbuehl PA, Hersberger M, Truninger K, Müllhaupt B, Maly FE, Bargetzi M, Schulthess G. TOLL-like Receptor 4 Gene Polymorphism Modulates Phenotypic Expression in Patients with Hereditary Hemochromatosis. Eur J of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 2010; 22(7): 835-841. 14 Leupin N, Schuller JC, Solenthaler M, Heim D, Rovo A, Beretta K, Gregor M, Bargetzi MJ, Brauchli P, Himmelmann A, Hanselmann S, Zenhäusern R. Efficacy of Rituximab and cladribine in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and feasibility of stem cell mobilization: a prospective multicenter phase II trial (protocol SAKK 34/02). Leukemia & Lymphoma. 2010; 51(4): 613-619. 15 Taverna C, Bargetzi M, Betticher D, Gmür J, Gregor M, Heim D, Hess U, Ketterer N, Lerch E, Matthes T, Mey U, Pabst T, Renner C. Integrating novel agents into multiple myeloma treatment - current status in Switzerland and treatment recommendations. Swiss Med Wkly. 2010;140:w13054

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