Curriculum Vitae. Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance, University of Luxembourg

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1 Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Last Name: BRAUM First Name: Stefan Address University of Luxembourg 4, rue Alphonse Weicker L-2721 Luxembourg Telephone: Birthdate: Nationality: German Language: German (native speaker), English (C2), French (C1) CURRENT POSITION Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance, University of Luxembourg - Professor, to present; - Director of Studies, Master in European Economic and Financial Criminal Law, to ; - Manager of the Research Unit in Law, to ; - Dean of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance, to present. PRIOR POSITIONS - Lecturer at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University at Frankfurt am Main, 1999 to 2003; - Substitute Chair in Criminal Law and Procedure at the University of Cologne, 2003 to 2004; - Substitute Chair in Criminal Law at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2004 to TEACHING AND RESEARCH SUBJECTS Teaching Subjects: o European and International Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Philosophy of Law, Criminology. Research Subjects: o Economic and Financial Criminal Law, International Criminal Law, Criminal. Procedure, Data Protection, Legal Theory, and Legal Principles in a Global Context.

2 DIPLOMAS AND TRAINING Diplomas: o First German Law Exam (1. Staatsexamen), Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 1993; o Thesis: Geschichte der Revision im Strafverfahren von 1877 bis zur Gegenwart - Zugleich eine Kritik der Kontinuität politischer Macht im Recht, Frankfurt, 1996 (summa cum laude); o Second German Law Exam (2. Staatsexamen), Ministerium der Justiz des Landes Hessen, 1999; o Habilitation en Droit: Europäische Strafgesetzlichkeit, Frankfurt, 2003 (including Venia legendi», that is to say, authorization by the German State to undertake research, direct research, and teach Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, European Criminal Law, Philosophy of Law, and Criminology). PhD Supervisor for the following: - Dietmar Deffert, Strafgesetzlichkeit im Völkerstrafrecht, successfully defended in Andreas Degen, Mitwirkungspflichten der Banken bei der Bekämpfung der Geldwäsche, publiziert Frankfurt am Main, successfully defended in Alexander Cappel, Der Straftatbestand der Untreue im europäischen Vergleich, publiziert Frankfurt am Main, successfully defended in Iwona Seredynksa, Insider Dealing and Criminal Law Les Liaisons dangereuses? successfully defended in Christine Ditscher, Europäische Beweise, successfully defended in Sophie Zietek, La fonction Compliance et le Droit pénal face aux enjeux de la société contemporaine, successfully defended in OTHER RELEVANT ACTIVITIES President, The Law Subject Committee, Campus Europae, ; Member, Management Committee of the European Criminal Law Academic Network (ECLAN), ; Member, Commission Nationale de Contrôle et d Evaluation, March 2012; Member, Scientific Council of Revista de Derecho Penal; Member, Scientific Council of New Journal of European Criminal Law; Chief Editor, European Critical Quarterly Review of Legislation and Jurisprudence; Advisor, Project Lux Development LAO-023, Strengthening the Rule of Law by Higher Education, 2013.

3 PUBLICATIONS (Only recent publications are mentioned) Justizförmigkeit und europäische Betrugsermittlung, Bemerkungen zum Fall Eurostat (EuG T-48/05, Urteil vom ), in : Juristenzeitung (JZ) 2009, p. 298 et seq.; Parallelwertungen in der Laiensphäre : Der EuGH und die Vorratsdatenspeicherung, Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik (ZRP) 2009, p. 174 et seq.; Europäisches Strafrecht im Fokus konfligierender Verfassungsmodelle - Stoppt das Bundesverfassungsgericht die europäische Strafrechtentwicklung?, ZIS-online 2009, p. 418 et seq.; Les apports de la reconnaissance mutuelle à la coopération judiciaire pénale et ses déficits. Bilan de l'expérience luxembourgeoise, dans: Vernimmen/Surano/Weyembergh, The future of mutual recognition in criminal matters in the European Union, L'avenir de la reconnaissance mutuelle en matière pénal dans l'union Européenne, Bruxelles 2009, p. 361 et seq.; European Images of Justice - The Need for Perspectives of Judicial control, in: Peter-Alexis Albrecht/Sir John Thomas, Strengthen the Judiciary's Independence in Europe, 2009, p. 187 et seq.; Justizielle Zusammenarbeit und populistische Politik - eine europarechtliche Wertung des Ankaufs von Steuerdaten, in Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ), 30. April 2010, p. 35; Euthanasie et assistance au suicide au Luxembourg : Antécédents, contenu et effets de la nouvelle loi, Annales du droit luxembourgeois, volume 19, Bruxelles 2010, p. 219 et subs.; An Independent Judiciary Counterbalance to the Erosion of Fundamental Rights in Europe, in : Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft (KritV), Heft 4, 2010, p. 330 et seq.; La détention préventive au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg dans son cadre Européen, in: Association Luxembourgeoise de Criminologie (ALC), Ministère de la Justice (ed.), Actes de Colloque, La politique pénitentiaire au Luxembourg : approche multidisciplinaire et état de la question, , printed 2011, p. 29 et seq.; Le Droit pénal Européen et l Echange de Renseignements en Matière Fiscale : Conséquences sur le Secret Bancaire en Droit Luxembourgeois, Annales de Droit Luxembourgeois, Volume 20 (2010), Bruxelles 2011, p. 73 to 106 (together with Valentina Covolo); European Criminal Law and the Exchange of Tax Information: Consequences for Luxembourg s Bank Secrecy Law, in : Alexander Rust/Eric Fort, Exchange of Information and Bank Secrecy, 2012, p. 31 to 57;

4 Are we heading towards a European form of «enemy criminal law»? On the compatibility of Jakobs s conception of an enemy criminal law and European Criminal Law, in: Francesca Galli/Anne Weyembergh, EU counter-terrorism offences. What impact on national legislation and case-law?, 2012, p. 237 to 250; Prosecutorial Control of Investigations in Europe: A Call for Judicial Oversight, in: Luna/Wade, The Prosecutor in transnational perspective, Oxford 2012, p. 67 et seq.; Editorial: Justizielle Kontrolle in der Europäischen Rechtsfabrik, KritV 2012, p. 345 et seq.; Taking a Chance on Per Se Cartel Crime?, New Journal of European Criminal Law, 2012, p 113 et seq.; From Proven Fragmentation to Guaranteed Data Protection within the Virtual Criminal Law Enforcement Area: A Report on Personal Data Protection within the Framework of Police and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters (together with Valentina Covolo), in : K. Ligeti, Toward a Prosecutor for the European Union, Volume 1, 2013, p et seq.; Faut-il adapter notre droit pénal aux exigences nouvelles?, Lëtzebuerger Juristendag, Quo vadis droit luxembourgeois?, Réflexions sur l évolution des sources techniques et normatives, 2013, pages 129 et seq.; Research Projects Supported by External Funding - Economic and Financial Criminal Law in Europe 2006 to 2009 (competitive funding by University of Luxembourg); - Quel contrôle jurisdictionnel pour l Espace pénal Européen 2008 to 2011 (competitive funding by University of Luxembourg); - Various external funding for many workshops and conferences held at the University of Luxembourg.

5 Conferences at which presentations were made between 2007 and 2012: - Tagung der deutsch-argentinischen Juristenvereinigung, Strafgesetzlichkeit als Menschenrecht, Buenos Aires, ; - Justiz und Terrrorismus, Nordrhein-Westfälische Justizakademie Recklinghausen, ; - «Quel contrôle juridictionnel pour l espace pénal européen?», Colloque Eclan, Luxembourg, ; - Sollen Universitäten wie Unternehmen geführt werden, Oxford Debate, Institut of Law and Finance, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, ; - Reform des Sexualstrafrechts in Luxembourg, Ministère de la Justice, Colloque, ; - Séminaire La Constitution du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, Colloque, Droit pénal européen des affaires, Master en Droit bancaire et financier, URS, Strasbourg, ; - La situation des détenus étrangers dans l administration pénitentiaire luxembourgeoise, ACAT, Luxembourg, ; - Anhörung Europausschuss des Deutschen Bundestages zum Vertrag von Lissabon, Berlin, ; - Jean Monnet Lecture, The Development of European Criminal Law, University of Catania, Italie, ; - The protection of the financial interests of the European Union, OLAF-Conference, Lljubljana, ; - Santander, , Konferenz Die Zukunft eines europäischen Strafrechts ; - Bruxelles, , Experts Meeting, Evolution of mutual recognition; - Frankfurt am Main, , Strengthen the judiciary in Europe!; - Berlin, , Deutscher Bundestag, Anhörung Die Zukunft europäischer Strafrechtspflege ; - Bruxelles, , Experts Hearing on procedural rights in the EU; - Warschau, , Euroneeds- Workshop, Do we need an European Public Prosecutor?; - Tutzing, , Evangelische Akademie, Sterbehilfe in Europa; Fundamental rights in the area of freedom, security and justice, Council of Europe, Llublijana (Slovenia); (Luxembourg), The Jurisdiction of the ECJ and its impact on the area of freedom, security and justice, Seminar with Ph.D-Students of the University Thessaloniki; , La politique pénitentiaire au Luxembourg, Journée d étude organisée par le Ministère de la Justice, Luxembourg; , The impact of the Lisbon Treaty on European Criminal Law, Presentation, Aristotle University Thessaloniki (Greece); : Prosecutorial Control in the USA and Europe, Workshop, Washington and Lee University, Lexington (VA), USA;

6 : Conférence Chambre de Commerce, La responsabilité des personnes morales, Luxembourg; : ATOZ conference, European Tax Law, Presentation Double burdens in criminal Law, Luxembourg ; : University of Luxembourg; Euroneeds study, Do we need a European Public Prosecutor, Conference organised in cooperation with the Max-Planck Institut Freiburg; : Luxembourg, Key note speech, Criminal Justice in Europe; : Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, Introduction to the EU-Area of Freedom, Security and Justice; : AIDP-Meeting, Luxembourg, Immunität im Strafrecht; : Europäischer Juristentag Luxembourg, Verfahrensrechte im Raum der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts; : Colloque Bruxelles (ULB), Towards an Enemy Criminal Law; : Frankfurt am Main, FASPO-Seminar, Hospitality und Korruptionsstrafrecht ; : Taking a Chance of Per Se Cartel Crime, Conference Luxembourg; : Kyoto, Tokio: Seminar Euthanasie im Rechtsvergleich : Sterbehilfe in Luxemburg Erfahrungen mit dem neuen Gesetz; : Geneva, Conference Association Européen du Droit Bancaire, Perspectives of Financial Criminal Law ; : 1. Lëtzebuerger Juristendag (1ère journée des juristes luxembourgeois), Faut-il adpater notre droit pénal aux exigences nouvelles? ; : Human Rights in Higher Education The Claim for Universality, Keynote Address; : House of Finance, Frankfurt am Main, Die Krise des Finanzsystems das Strafrecht als Nothelfer, Keynote Address; : Luxembourgs Bar Association: Rechtswissenschaft und Rechtskultur (Legal Sciences and Legal Culture), Gastvortrag, Keynote Address; : Vientiane (Lao), Strengthening the Rule of Law in Lao Higher Education, Seminar.

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Notice: All mentioned inventors have to sign the Report of Invention (see page 3)!!!

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