Scheller Systemtechnik GmbH

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1 Scheller Systemtechnik GmbH founded in own employees + students, graduate students Innovative process control systems to the optimization of collaborative business processes Sensory organs to the collection of business stati for process calculation - Identifikation - Localization - Sensoric Innovative producs: EIP.SPM - Stock processing management EIP.FlexWF workflow EIP.ALS advanced logistics system Networks and services; wireless realtime communication applikation- & serviceprovider Examples: Shipyards and business contractors Seaharbours - Logistics (Seaport Wismar, St.Petersburg) finance instituts (Nord/LB, LFI-MV)

2 Processmanagement for Shipbuilding integration of subcontractors and service providers rotary-hwi 70% value added by external partners extremly timecritical projectmanagement highly economic risk

3 EIP-Process control in virtual project structures Konstruktion VMS Tribon Konstruktion NT NAPA Medusa Fabrikate Vorbereitung UNIX Robopl. Backup Medusa MTWT Planung NT MS-SQL Sc hweißcl. Gigros ALF2 UNIX - Oracle MTWK MTWL MTWI PS Leitst. Infosys. Leitstände OS/2 PDI Gigros Client BIS ALF3 UNIX - Oracle MEGA MEGA PZE LOHN AS/400 DB/2 TIS TIS MTW Weber Lager Blech Lager Blech Lager Profil SNA Server ORAG NAPA Konstruktion NT Medusa Fabrikate Medusa Vorbereitung UNIX Robopl. Backup Fertigung VISTA Client 4X-UNIX MTWT ALF2 UNIX - Oracle MTWK MTWL MTWI PS Leitst. Infosys. Gigros PDI MEGA PZE MEGA BVW X11 Gigros Client BIS TIS TIS MTW Weber Lager Blech Lager Blech SNA Server ORAG MEGAPVI NTSuperBase MEGA MEGA PVI LOHN PLL Lager Profil MEGA PVI AS/400 DB/2 Konstruktion NT NAPA Medusa Fabrikate Medusa Vorbereitung UNIX Robopl. Backup Oracle Tools Ferti gung VISTA Client 4X-UNIX MTWT P lanu ng N T MS -S QL SchweißCL. Gigros ALF2 UNIX - Oracle MTWK MTWL MTWI PS Leitst. Infosys. MEGA PZE MEGA BVW X11 Gigros Client BIS TIS TIS MTW Weber AS/400 DB/2 Lager Blech Lager Blech SNA Server ORAG MEGAPVI NTSuperBase MEGA MEGA PVI LOHN PLL Lager Profil MEGA PVI TM1 ALF3 UNIX - Oracle MEGA MEGA PZE LOHN Leitstände OS/2 PDI Doku TM1-DB Testumg. BENZING PZE MEGA Lohn Notes NT InstandInventar haltung Controlling NT - TM1 MACCTRL NC-DB Excel SS Lager Profil NAPA AutoCADWS-CAD Robopl. TM1 ALF3 UNIX - Oracle MEGA MEGA PZE LOHN Leitstände OS/2 Planu ng NT MS -SQL Sc hweißcl. Tribon Doku TM1-DB Testumg. BENZING PZE MEGA Lohn Notes NT InstandInventar haltung Controlling NT - TM1 MACCTRL NC-DB Excel SS Oracle Tools Konstruktion VMS NAPA AutoCAD WS-CAD Robopl. TM1 MEGAPVI NTSuperBase MEGA MEGA PVI LOHN PLL Lager Profil X11 Tribon Doku TM1-DB Testumg. 4X-UNIX Notes NT InstandInventar haltung Controlling NT - TM1 MACCTRL NC-DB Robopl. Ferti gung Konstruktion VMS NAPA AutoCADWS-CAD VISTA Client BENZING PZE Excel SS Lager Profil Oracle Tools MEGA Lohn MEGA PZE MEGA PVI MEGA BVW WWW WWW WWW Dienstleister Zulieferer WWW WWW WWW WWW WWW WWW intern WWW WWW WWW WWW LIS WWW WWW WWW WWW extern WWW WWW WWW EIP3.0 Enterprise Information System FLEX Reports... interne und externe Präsentation DMS Data Warehouse Control PPS-System UNIX - ORACLE Konstruktion VMS - NT TRIBON AutoCAD WS-CAD NAPA MTWT MTWK MTWL Testumg. PS Leitst. Vorbereitung UNIX Notes NT Roboplan Inventar Instand- Doku haltung NC-DB MTWI Info FIBU AS/400DB2 ORAG Controlling NT - TM1 MEGA UNIX-Oracle MACTM1-DB CTRL MEGA MEGA PZE LOHN Leitstände OS/2 Plan. NT-SQL 4X UNIX Personalw. MEGA PVI PDI Gigros SchweißCL. MEGA MEGA PVI Lohn Lager Profil PLL Lager Blech SNA Server Benzing PZE rotary-hwi

4 Projektbeispiele SST, EIP Integrationsplattform Mai 2007

5 HCNTP3000-Transport Logistik1 Intelligente Steuerung der Wertschöpfungskette Holz -3 x Industrie - FWV-MV - LVA-MV - Landwirtschaftsministerium MV - 10 Speditionen 5 SST, EIP Integrationsplattform 11. Mai 2007

6 LKW Kommunikationseinheit (OBU) Funktionen: Positionsbestimmung Ladungssensorik Auto-ID Prozesskommunikation mit Fahrer Handy (SMS/Java) EIP Funksensoren GSM GPS LKW On-Board UNIT Ser.Bus SST, EIP Integrationsplattform SensorReceiver Mai 2007

7 LKW Kommunikationseinheit (OBU) (2) SST, EIP Integrationsplattform Mai 2007

8 Prozesssteuerung im HolzClusterNord SST, EIP Integrationsplattform Mai 2007

9 Projektbeispiele SST, EIP Integrationsplattform Mai 2007

10 Intelligente Steuerung Multimodaler Verkehrsnetze auf der europäischen Nord-Süd-Achse Holz Cluster Nord Holz Cluster Steiermark Fraunhofer IFF-Magdeburg Logistikinitiative Sachsen-Anhalt Logistikinitiative Berlin-Brandenburg Ostsee- / Binnenhäfen Bahn + Speditionen Planung - Montag Ressourcenplanung für den Zeitraum :00 Uhr bis :00 Uhr LKW 07:00-08:00 08:00-09:00 09:00-10:00 10:00-11:00 11:00-12:00 Tag 12:00-13:00 13:00-14:00 14:00-15:00 15:00-16:00 16:00-17:00 Woche Monat Karte 17:00-18:00 18:00-19:00 NWMXS1 NWMXS25 NWMXS12 NWMXS23 NWMXS10 Aufgabendaten Typ Container aufladen Auftrag Ort Kunde Wismar Strasse 18:00 Mayer, Max geplant :30-15:15 Speichern NWM-XS12 Musterstraße 89 Landkarte Aufgabe Planung aktuell: Methode Schnellstmgl. Zeit gesamt 48,5 Stunden Fahrstrecke 837,3 Km Ressourcen 5 LKW Planung neul: Kürzeste Strecke Schnellstmöglich Ressourcenoptimiert Zeit gesamt Fahrstrecke Ressourcen berechnen übernehmen Legende Basis / Sonstiges Depot Container abladen Container aufladen Fahrstrecke 54,25 Stunden 756,8 Km 5 LKW EIP Funksensoren GSM GPS LKW On-Board UNIT Ser.Bus SensorReceiver SST, EIP Integrationsplattform Mai 2007

11 Beispielszenario 1 (1) : schneller (just-in-time), effizienter Transport von Industrie-Rundholz Rostocker Hafen-> Kronotex Wittstock SST, EIP Integrationsplattform Mai 2007

12 Beispielszenario 1 (2) : schneller (just-in-time), effizienter Transport von Industrie-Rundholz Rostocker Hafen-> Kronotex Wittstock Auftraggeber: RFH-Rostocker Hafen GSM GPS LKW On-Board UNIT Ser.Bus GSM GPS LKW On-Board UNIT Ser.Bus Anfrage: Logistikservices: Transport: Start: HRO-Fischereihafen Ziel: Kronotex-Wittstock Gutart: Industrie-Rundholz Menge: 500fm Timescale: just-in-time Schalter: cost min. GSM GPS LKW On-Board UNIT Ser.Bus - Ermittlung Gutart-Gutartenontologie-Transportmittel - Ermittlung Route, Entfernung, Transportmittel - Ermittlung Gutarten-Transportmittelverfügbarkeit und Fahrziel imstartradius über MautOBU - Transportauftragsangebot über Fahrerhandy(SMS) / Leitzentralean nächsten LKW mit Ziel / Leerfahrt Süden - Auftragsannahme/-bestätigung - bei Nichtbestätigung/Ablehnung nächste Anfrage Ergebnis: schnelle Prozessabwicklung ohne Medienbrüche kostengünstig durch Vermeidung von Leerfahrten SST, EIP Integrationsplattform Mai 2007

13 Projektbeispiele SST, EIP Integrationsplattform Mai 2007

14 AFoRS Fotogrammetrischer Rohholz Vermessungsservice Polterbeispiele - manuelle Vermessung Projektpartner: Forstwirtschaftliche Vereinigung MV Fraunhofer IGD SST, EIP Integrationsplattform Mai 2007

15 AFoRS Fotogrammetrischer Rohholz Vermessungsservice Datenlogistik SST, EIP Integrationsplattform Mai 2007

16 Fotogrammetrie (1): Vor und -zurückgesetzte Normkörper Bündige Lagerung SST, EIP Integrationsplattform Maßstab-Maßpunktsystem-Reflektormarken Vor und zurückgesetzte Lagerung Mai 2007

17 AFoRS Fotogrammetrischer Rohholz Vermessungsservice Poltervarianten 2D Kallibrierung SST, EIP Integrationsplattform Mai 2007

18 Fotogrammetrie (4) Polygongrössenermittl ung Darstellung der Abschnittsflächen in Abhängigkeit von der Aufnahmeentfernung SST, EIP Integrationsplattform Mai 2007

19 ALS.Moduls Project management Ship Railway Truck Stock Others transport device management (Registration, Route, mooring place) order flow control stock processing management project specific account Invoicing Voucher und process documents - sale - purchase - envelope automatic creating the voucher Planning Contracts Arbeits- und Ressourcenplanung rough planning of the service mixed and ressources requires detail planning of staff and devices tour administration Recording of performances and account Stock movements Working time Ressources expenditure (personell und devices) Down times customer specific agreements Service spreading quantity scales Automatic addition of the assigned Quantities and proceeds accounting agreements Stock Stock processing management Stock structure Inventory administration Stock movements Stock rules Stocktaking Interfaces Reports User and Systemadministration IT-Systeme (Finance, time registration, management of equipment) Customer/Supplier Authorities (tariff, Port Authorities, ) External Databases Technical logging systems (Barcode-, RFID-Scanner, Sensors) Envelope reports Stock reports pre and post calculation calculation of amount covered Statistics Plans, Reports, Minutes Rolls Authorizations Staff Devices

20 ALS.Working and Ressource planning Planning of all necessary ressources (staff, equipment/devices, materials) to the working process Planning from rough to details step by step Funktion Overview Allocation of pre defined tours in time scales Calculation of the working quantity per tour by performance definitions Automatic determination of necessary ressources Generating of working documents for staff Graphic Illustration of working orders in time scales by Gantt-Charts Graphic Illustration of work extend utilization of tours and ressource groups Simple allocation of staff and equipment by Drag & Drop Management of tours

21 ALS.Rough planning Overview Working Orders Order data Resources-requires

22 ALS.Detail planning Overview Working orders and resources -requires Overview available resources

23 Thanks for your attention!

24 ALS. Stammdaten Administration of general master data Firm data Customer/Supplier Currencies Countries a.s.o. Administration of Transportation equipment master data Stock data (Stock structure) Kind of goods, dangerous good classes, UN numbers Ressources data (equipment and staff) Services data

25 ALS. service catalog (1) service catalog Services (Envelope, Stock, additional services) Expenditures for devices and staff service calculation: Example 1: Service: envelope ship - stock, concrete steel, bundle Calculation base (mixes) : 200 tons Calculation base (duration) : 1 hour ressources requieres: Portalkrane Albatros max 12. to - 2 hours Kompact lorry - 0,5 hours krandriver - 2 hours devicedriver - 0,5 hours

26 ALS. service catalog (2) Example 2: Service: envelope ship - stock, Container Dry Fright (RS) Calculation base (mixes) : 10 pcs Calculation base (duration) : 1 hours ressources requieres: Reach stacker max 10. tons - 1 hours Reach stacker driver 1 hours Harbour worker 0,25 hours Inspector - 0,10 hours Example 3: Service: envelope ship - stock, Container Dry Fright (CB) Calculation base (mixes) : 29 pcs Calculation base (duration) : 1 hour ressources requieres: Container bridge max 15. tons - 1 hours Bridge driver - 1 hours Lifting truck - 2 hours Lifting truck driver - 2 hours Inspector - 0,2 hours Determination of service costs / prices Description of activities and spends for services (service technologies) Definition of standards and appoximate values for the later planning of working processes

27 ALS.Service calculation Service Overview General Service data Overview of the Service prices Service calculation calculation base (Mass per timeline) resources spends determination of the calculation price

28 ALS.Contracts In the Contract Modul all contract relevant data are seized: Running times Terms of notice Customer specific prices and discounts Service spreading quantity scales Informations for the automatic voucher creating (invoice release, invoice method, payment conditions, cost centers, accounts, ) Different contract-quantity (warranty-quantity, limiting set, ) Additional modul functions: Evaluation over assigned and processed quantity of contract services Evaluation over all assigned and accounted contract results/released

29 ALS.Contracts Contract Overwiew customer or kind of goods General Contract data Contract partner running time terms of notice Contract status Overview of all Contract services Service conditions prices Invoice informations quqntity scales contract quantity

30 ALS.Project management Controlling of the expiration of order Planning and completion of arriving means of transport Project types: Transportation device projects (Ship, Railway, Truck, ) Stock projects Additional Projects Funktion range all Projects Seize of the operation times Determination of the client / allocation of the contracs Proof overview / proof production Transport device projects Seize of transport device data Seize of the estimated time of arrival / departure (ETA/ETD) Treatment of the transportation device route/travel Mooring- / track planning Stock projects Virtual stock places Indicate of stocks of virtual places Indicate of stock movements of virtual stock places Calculation of stock rent

31 ALS.Project management Ship project General Project data Project overview Document overview Transp. device data Virtual stocks Envelope protocols Stock rent

32 ALS.Invoicing Order execution from offering till invoicing Illustration of details in order execution in different documents Invoicing documents (Sale / Purchase) Process documents (Envelope) Sale Offer Customer order Delivery note / Service record Invoice Credit note Purchase Inquires Order / Working order Working record Invoice Credit note Envelope Bill of loading / Load list

33 ALS.Sale document Customer order Head of document Overview of the document positions Service definitions

34 ALS.Bill of loading Load lists Relation to the project and customer order positions List of goods to envelope Indication over quantity Virtual stock Envelope places

35 ALS.Invoicing Manual creation of invoices Automatic creation of invoices Assumption of all documents from customer oders, service and working records to invoicing Determination of invoicing method from contract or service general data Pre-defined switches to determination of finance accounts and pre-emption switches in contract or service general datas Finance-Interface Transmitting of relevant account datas to different finance programms

36 ALS.Invoicing Filter to selection invoicing documents Overview of all released service positions to invoicing

37 ALS.Detail planning Report

38 ALS.Detail planning Report

39 ALS.Performance recording and account Comprehensible accounting of all worked services Allocation of all ressources (staff, devices) for the special Service Funktion Overview Allocation of all planed und additional Services Documentation of all movements of goods Allocation of working time and ressources costs Allocation of down times Evaluation of planning and real datas Generating of working and performance documents

40 ALS.Performance recording and account Overview realized job orders Collection of realized services and enveloped goods Collection of real resources spends

41 ALS.Stock Management Funktion overview - Management of stock places and areas - Management of virtual stock places (stock cards) - Automatic storage management from performance recording - Documentation of all stock movements (incomming -, outgoing-, relocated goods) - Automatic stock pile assignment (by stock rules) - Calculation of stock rent - Interfaces for automatic acquisition and recording technique (BarcodeScannern, RFID,..) - Printing own Barcode-Labels - Stocktaking Reports Stock minutes Inventory activity summary

42 ALS.Stock management actual stock overview Overview stock areas Overview goods and quantities Overview goods sorted by quantities, places and virtual places

43 ALS.Stock management Report

44 ALS.Reports Flexible evaluations and Reporting in controlling areas Statistics (evaluation by customer, goods, services, projects, ) Economical evaluations (Performance, results, )

45 Expected results using ALS Improving the performance of large machines, processing capacies and staff Improving use of mooring capacities, shorter or no waiting times for ships by using optimiced mooring planning More ships per timeline Improving of use of the 400 machines (cranes, lifting trucks, RoRo tractors, ) Improving of handling the (12) stores and the total surface qm Growing up the anual level of traffic till 40% Improving the anual economic result

46 Steps till using ALS Analysis of the actual situation in the port Analysis of the hinterland traffic Developing an activity concept Proposal for the steps / optimization Training with the relevant staff of different departments Development of the interfaces to existing communications Creating the master general master datas of the port Installation, Training and support Using ALS and optimization performance of envelope step by step

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