UCL Language Centre 2005

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1 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2005 LANG0G03: GERMAN LEVEL 3 (C) Reading and Writing Examination This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It assesses the following two skills: READING SKILLS (20%) WRITING SKILLS (15%) Duration: 2 hours 1 st Marker 2 nd Marker Agreed Result Integrated Reading/Writing Tasks Reading (out of 20) Linguistic Competence (out of 6) Pure Writing Task Content (out of 3) Linguistic Competence (out of 6) TOTAL (out of 35) Out of 35 % Grade 1 st Marker s signature 2 nd Marker s signature To be completed by the Visiting Examiner if the above agreed result is amended after review Reason for amending agreed result /35 % Grade Visiting Examiner s signature

2 GERMAN SYLLABUS C LANG0G03 and LANG1G13 Page 1 In this examination you can obtain a maximum of 35 points which are awarded as follows: Reading Skills: Reading Competence: Writing Skills: Linguistic Competence: Content: 20 points 20 points 15 points 12 points 3 points Answer ALL questions in GERMAN in the space provided after each question. In order for your script to remain anonymous do NOT use your name when completing the tasks. Document A Sind deutsche Jugendliche besser als ihr Ruf? A Die 14. Shell-Jugendstudie (2002) untersucht die Wertorientierungen der Jugendlichen zwischen 12 und 25 Jahren. Junge Leute heute sind noch genauso kreativ, tolerant und spaßorientiert wie früher. Das Neue ist, dass mehr und mehr Jugendliche moderne Werte mit alten Werten in einem Wertecocktail mixen. Im Unterschied zu den 80er Jahren sind Jugendliche pragmatischer, sie wollen praktische Probleme lösen und persönliche Ziele verwirklichen. 1 5 B C D Gesellschaftsreform oder die Ökologie stehen dagegen nicht im Mittelpunkt. Auch die große Politik ist ihnen nicht mehr so wichtig. Nur noch 23% interessieren sich dafür. Trotzdem reagieren die meisten Jugendlichen nicht mehr wie früher mit Protest oder mit einer Null Bock-Haltung. Im Gegenteil, sie strengen sich mehr an und tun alles, um Chancen zu nutzen und Risiken zu minimieren. Obwohl die Jugendlichen viele Probleme in der Gesellschaft sehen, haben sie eine positive persönliche Perspektive. Besonders Mädchen und junge Frauen sind ehrgeiziger und aktiver geworden. Sie finden heute z.b. Karriere machen (82%), sich selbständig machen und Verantwortung übernehmen genauso wichtig wie männliche Jugendliche. Trotzdem sind junge Frauen nach wie vor emotionaler, toleranter, umweltbewusster und sozial hilfsbereiter als junge Männer. Ihr Verhältnis zur Technik ist immer noch zurückhaltender, Treue (78%), Heiraten und Bioläden sind für sie mehr in. Cliquen sind auch heute für die Jugendlichen wichtig, gut 70% gehören zu einer solchen Gruppe gleichaltriger Freunde. Für junge Leute hat aber gleichzeitig die Familie einen hohen Stellenwert. Rund drei Viertel der Jugendlichen zwischen 12 und 25 Jahren wohnt noch zu Hause. Fast 90% der Jugendlichen sagen, dass sie mit ihren Eltern gut klar kommen, auch wenn es manchmal Meinungsverschiedenheiten gibt. Knapp 70% würden oder wollen ihre Kinder genauso oder ungefähr so erziehen, wie ihre Eltern das gemacht haben, und 75% der weiblichen und 65% der männlichen Jugendlichen meinen, dass man eine Familie zum Glücklich sein braucht. Über zwei Drittel der Jugendlichen wollen später eigene Kinder, allerdings haben nur 4% der Jugendlichen zwischen 16 und 25 Jahren wirklich eigene Kinder CONTINUED

3 GERMAN SYLLABUS C LANG0G03 and LANG1G13 Page 2 E F G Die persönlichen Interessen und die Spaßaktivitäten dominieren, aber Jugendliche kümmern sich in ihrer Freizeit auch um ältere Menschen, die Hilfe brauchen. Sie setzen sich für den Umwelt- und Tierschutz ein, für sozial schwache Menschen, für Menschen in armen Ländern und für ein besseres Zusammenleben mit Ausländern. Europa ist für die Jugend eine Realität und wird ganz klar als persönliche Chance gesehen. Sie akzeptieren die neue internationale Rolle des vereinigten Deutschlands in der Welt, ein knappes Drittel wünscht sich sogar noch mehr Einfluss. Fast ein Viertel möchte weniger Zusammenarbeit mit den USA, aber gut ein Fünftel fordert mehr Kooperation. In der Globalisierung sehen die Jugendlichen Vorteile und Nachteile: neue Chancen, z.b. für Studium und Karriere im Ausland, aber auch mögliche Risiken, z.b. mehr Zuwanderung aus armen Ländern, weniger Arbeitsplätze in Deutschland oder eine weitere Amerikanisierung der Kultur. Trotzdem finden die Jugendlichen, dass das Leben durch die Globalisierung interessanter und vielfältiger wird Shell-Jugendstudie in Auszügen, gekürzt und adaptiert TURN OVER

4 GERMAN SYLLABUS C LANG0G03 and LANG1G13 Page 3 Task 1 Hier ist eine Liste mit Stichpunkten. Entscheiden Sie: Passen die Stichpunkte zu einem Abschnitt im Text Sind deutsche Jugendliche besser als ihr Ruf? Wenn ja, dann schreiben Sie den Buchstaben des Abschnitts (A-G) neben den Stichpunkt. Wenn nein, dann machen Sie bitte einen Strich ( ). (5 points) [Reading Competence: 5 points] [Linguistic Competence: 0 points] Im Text a. eine insgesamt positive Haltung zur Familie und den Eltern Task out of 5 out of 0 b. die internationale Zusammenarbeit mit Südamerika c. Freunde spielen eine wichtige Rolle d. ähnliche Ambitionen bei jungen Frauen und Männern e. Globalisierung hat positive und negative Aspekte f. für Politik, Reform und die Umwelt interessieren sich nur noch wenige Jugendliche g. der Einfluss Deutschlands in Osteuropa h. typische Fraueneigenschaften bleiben gleich i. traditionelle Werte sind out j. Jugendliche sind in der Freizeit auch sozial engagiert CONTINUED

5 GERMAN SYLLABUS C LANG0G03 and LANG1G13 Page 4 Task 2 Welche Wörter oder Ausdrücke im Text Sind deutsche Jugendliche besser als ihr Ruf? passen zu den Definitionen? Der Textabschnitt, in dem Sie die Wörter oder Ausdrücke finden können, steht in Klammern hinter der Definition. (4 points) [Reading Competence: 4 points] [Linguistic Competence: 0 points] Beispiel 1 das, was andere Menschen über eine Person sagen (Überschrift) Beispiel 2 so klein wie möglich machen (B) Ausdruck im Text der Ruf minimieren Task out of 4 out of 0 a. eine Mischung aus mehreren Ideen oder Meinungen über das, was gut und schlecht ist (A) b. viel Kraft und Energie in etwas stecken (B) c. Geschäfte, wo man umweltfreundliche Produkte kaufen kann (C) d. die Wichtigkeit einer Frage oder einer Sache (D) e. sagen, dass man etwas unbedingt möchte (F) f. etwa dreißig Prozent (F) g. eine wachsende Orientierung auf die USA und ihre Kultur (G) h. verschiedenartig (G) TURN OVER

6 GERMAN SYLLABUS C LANG0G03 and LANG1G13 Page 5 Task 3 Sind im Text Sind deutsche Jugendliche besser als ihr Ruf? die folgenden Aussagen wahr (W) oder falsch (F)? Wenn sie wahr sind, dann geben Sie bitte die Zeile(n) im Text an, wo Sie diese Informationen gefunden haben. Wenn Sie falsch sind, unterstreichen Sie bitte das falsche Element im Satz. (5 points) [Reading Competence: 5 points] [Linguistic Competence: 0 points] Beispiel W/F? Zeile(n) Task Junge Menschen sind heute weniger kreativ und tolerant als früher. F - RC LC out of 5 out of 0 a. Soziale Veränderung und Umweltschutz interessieren junge Leute heute eher nicht. b. Junge Menschen kümmern sich in ihrer Freizeit nicht um ihre Mitmenschen. c. Zum Thema Kooperation mit Amerika gibt es gegenteilige Meinungen. d. Mehr als 60% der Jugendlichen haben schon eigene Kinder. e. An der Technik haben junge Frauen auch heute kein besonderes Interesse. CONTINUED

7 GERMAN SYLLABUS C LANG0G03 and LANG1G13 Page 6 Task 4 In Abschnitt B des Textes Sind deutsche Jugendliche besser als ihr Ruf? finden Sie den Ausdruck Null Bock-Haltung. Was bedeutet dieser Ausdruck? Beschreiben oder erklären Sie kurz mit eigenen Worten (ca. 50 Wörter). (2 points) [Reading Competence: 1 point] [Linguistic Competence: 1 point] Task out of 1 out of 1 TURN OVER

8 GERMAN SYLLABUS C LANG0G03 and LANG1G13 Page 7 Document B Was Berliner Teenager denken Sarah, 18 A B C D E Meistens habe ich gute Laune. Nach der Schule treffe ich mich mit Freunden. Früher habe ich viel Musik gemacht, Saxophon, Flöte, ein bisschen Klavier. Jetzt spiele ich nur noch ab und zu, ich hatte einfach keine Lust mehr auf diese Pflichtsachen. Am Wochenende arbeite ich in einer Buchhandlung. Das ist körperlich anstrengender, als man denkt: Bücher auspacken, einräumen und Kunden bedienen. In den Ferien habe ich auch gearbeitet, hauptsächlich putzen. Nach drei Wochen hatte ich einen schönen Batzen Geld verdient. Sparen tu ich aber nicht, ich habe lieber ein luxuriöses Leben. Ich hab auch mal im Altersheim gejobbt, allerdings bin ich da nicht klargekommen. Mir war das alles viel zu kalt. Ich gehe eben gern auf die Menschen zu und unterhalte mich auch mal fünf Minuten. Nach der Schule mache ich erstmal ein soziales Jahr. Ich will auf jeden Fall ins Ausland. Mein allergrößter Wunsch wäre, Ärztin zu werden. Dann würde ich einer Organisation wie Ärzte ohne Grenzen beitreten, um den Menschen in der dritten Welt zu helfen. Aber ich bin eher ein Sprachen-Typ: ich spreche fließend Französisch. Naturwissenschaften finde ich meist langweilig. Lehrerin möchte ich auf keinen Fall werden. Meine Eltern sind sehr tolerant und haben mir viel geholfen und ich genieße unser Familienleben sehr. Trotzdem möchte ich nicht so werden wie sie, weil sie immer gestresst und genervt von der Arbeit kommen und einfach nicht loslassen können. Heiraten finde ich noch nicht so wichtig. Später möchte ich unbedingt zwei, drei Kinder haben, aber nicht zu früh. Das Beste an Freunden ist, dass man ganz entspannt sein kann, wenn man zusammen ist. Schule ist Stress, man muss lernen und steht die ganze Zeit unter Druck. Mein Lieblingsfach ist Geschichte, ich finde es interessant, wie Menschen früher gelebt haben. Ich interessiere mich auch für Politik und gucke Nachrichten im Fernsehen, was gerade in Palästina los ist oder was Bush wieder macht. Rassismus macht mir Angst. Ich wünsche mir, dass die Menschen bei uns freundlicher zueinander sind nach: Zitty, Berliner Stadtmagazin, 24/2004, S , gekürzt und adaptiert CONTINUED

9 GERMAN SYLLABUS C LANG0G03 and LANG1G13 Page 8 Task 5 Der Text Was Teenager denken ist das Resultat einer Umfrage bei Berliner Teenagern. Was haben die Journalisten gefragt? Schreiben Sie passende Fragen zu den unten stehenden vier Antworten. (4 points) [Reading Competence: 2 points] [Linguistic Competence: 2 points] Beispiel Welchen Beruf möchtest du überhaupt nicht machen // kannst du dir gar nicht vorstellen? Task out of 2 out of 2 Sarah: Lehrerin möchte ich auf keinen Fall werden. a.? (1 point) [Reading Competence: 0.5 point] [Linguistic Competence: 0.5 point] Man kann ganz entspannt sein, wenn man zusammen ist. b.? (1 point) [Reading Competence: 0.5 point] [Linguistic Competence: 0.5 point] Weil ich lieber ein luxuriöses Leben habe. c.? (1 point) [Reading Competence: 0.5 point] [Linguistic Competence: 0.5 point] Ja, ich möchte gern wissen, was zum Beispiel in Palästina und in den USA los ist. d.? (1 point) Weil ich es interessant finde, wie Menschen früher gelebt haben. [Reading Competence: 0.5 point] [Linguistic Competence: 0.5 point] TURN OVER

10 GERMAN SYLLABUS C LANG0G03 and LANG1G13 Page 9 Task 6 Die Journalisten haben Sara noch ein paar weitere Fragen gestellt, zu denen die Antworten nicht im Text stehen. Was hat Sara vielleicht geantwortet? Schreiben Sie zu jeder Frage mindestens zwei Sätze als Antwort. (6 points) [Reading Competence: 3 points] [Linguistic Competence: 3 points] Beispiel Frage: Welche Hobbys hast du heutzutage? Task out of 3 out of 3 Antwort: Ich spiele gern Tischtennis und Volleyball. Außerdem mache ich seit drei Monaten einen Erste-Hilfe - Kurs. a. Frage 1: Kannst du deinen Tagesablauf im Altersheim beschreiben? Was musstest du dort machen? (2 points) [Reading Competence: 1 point] [Linguistic Competence:1 point] b. Frage 2: Wie kann man den Menschen in der dritten Welt helfen? (2 points) [Reading Competence: 1 point] [Linguistic Competence: 1 point] c. Frage 3: Du hast gern ein luxuriöses Leben. Wofür gibst du dein Geld aus? (2 points) [Reading Competence: 1 point] [Linguistic Competence: 1 point] CONTINUED

11 GERMAN SYLLABUS C LANG0G03 and LANG1G13 Page 10 Task 7 Schreiben Sie zirka 250 Wörter zu einem der folgenden Punkte. (9 points) [Content: 3 points] [Linguistic Competence: 6 points] a. Schreiben Sie den Brief an Annette zuende. Sprechen Sie über die Schule oder das Studium, Ihre Hobbys und Lieblingsfächer, über Ihr Familienleben, Ihre Freunde und über Jobs und andere Dinge, die Sie in der Freizeit gemacht haben. Welche Pläne haben Sie für die Zukunft? Benutzen Sie dabei zum Beispiel das Perfekt oder die Modalverben. Vergessen Sie nicht den passenden Briefschluss und ein paar Fragen an Annette. Liebe Annette, vielen lieben Dank für deinen Brief ich habe mich so gefreut, endlich mal wieder von dir zu hören. Ich weiß, es ist meine Schuld, aber in den letzten 18 Monaten ist sooo viel passiert! Also, du kannst dich bestimmt erinnern, ich habe ODER b. Sie sollen für das Internet-Forum Generation 2000 einen kurzen Artikel mit dem Titel Teenager sind die Erwachsenen von morgen schreiben. Was meinen Sie? Sind Jugendliche und Teenager wirklich so schlecht wie ihr Ruf? Warum gibt es immer Meinungsverschiedenheiten zwischen den Generationen? Wie kann man das vielleicht ändern? Welche Unterschiede gibt es zwischen männlichen und weiblichen Jugendlichen? Gibt es in Ihrem Heimatland auch solche Trends wie in Deutschland? Sehen Sie die Zukunft für junge Leute in Europa eher positiv oder eher negativ? Nutzen Sie auch die Informationen aus den beiden Lesetexten. Die Fragen sollen Ihnen beim Nachdenken helfen. Sie brauchen nicht alle Fragen zu beantworten. Task CON LC out of 3 out of 6 CON LC END OF PAPER

12 GERMAN SYLLABUS C LANG0G03 and LANG1G13 Page 11 Task CON LC out of 3 out of 6 CON LC

13 GERMAN SYLLABUS C LANG0G03 and LANG1G13 Page 12 Task CON LC out of 3 out of 6 CON LC




UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2001 LANG 0G02 GERMAN


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2001 LANG 0G01 GERMAN


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2001 LANG 0G02 GERMAN LEVEL 2 (B) Reading


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0G02: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2002 LANG0G01: GERMAN


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2001 LANG 0G01 GERMAN LEVEL 1 (A) Reading


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2001 LANG 0G03 GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2002 LANG0G02: GERMAN LEVEL 2 (B) Reading



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2002 LANG0G01: GERMAN LEVEL 1 (A) Reading


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0G02: GERMAN LEVEL 2 (B) Reading


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2001 LANG 0G03 GERMAN LEVEL 3 (C) Reading



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2000 LANG 0G01 GERMAN


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0G01: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2000 LANG 0G01 GERMAN LEVEL 1 (A) This



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2004 LANG0G03: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2000 LANG 0G04 LANG 1G14


UCL Language Centre 2008

UCL Language Centre 2008 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2008 LCGE6002: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2004 LANG0G02: GERMAN


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0G01: GERMAN LEVEL 1 (A) Reading



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2004 LANG0G03: GERMAN LEVEL


UCL Language Centre 2005

UCL Language Centre 2005 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2005 LANG0G02: GERMAN


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0G03: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2002 LANG0G03: GERMAN


UCL Language Centre 2008

UCL Language Centre 2008 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2008 LCGE6001: GERMAN


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0G03: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2000 LANG 0G03 LANG 1G13 GERMAN LEVEL


UCL Language Centre 2005

UCL Language Centre 2005 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2005 LANG0G02: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2004 LANG0G02: GERMAN LEVEL


UCL Language Centre 2008

UCL Language Centre 2008 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2008 LCGE6002: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2002 LANG0G04: GERMAN


UCL Language Centre 2008

UCL Language Centre 2008 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2008 LCGE6003: GERMAN


Course Units

Course Units UCL CENTRE FOR LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Course Units 2012-2013 Reading and Writing Examination: LCGE6003: German Level 3 (C) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises:


UCL Language Centre 2007

UCL Language Centre 2007 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2007 LCGE6003: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2002 LANG0G04: GERMAN LEVEL 4 (D) Reading



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2006 LANG0G04: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2002 LANG0G03: GERMAN LEVEL 3 (C) Reading



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2006 LANG0G01: GERMAN


UCL Language Centre 2008

UCL Language Centre 2008 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2008 LCGE6003: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2004 LANG0G04: GERMAN


UCL Language Centre 2005

UCL Language Centre 2005 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2005 LANG0G04: GERMAN


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *8687657147* GERMAN 0525/43 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2016 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *1705723522* GERMAN 0525/41 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2016 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *3100160725* GERMAN 0525/43 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2015 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2004 LANG1GBC: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2006 LANG0G01: GERMAN


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2001 LANG 0G04 GERMAN LEVEL 4 (D) Reading



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2006 LANG0G03: GERMAN


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *0971753294* GERMAN 0525/41 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2015 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question


UCL Language Centre 2005

UCL Language Centre 2005 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2005 LANG0G01: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2006 LANG0G04: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2004 LANG0G04: GERMAN LEVEL


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0G04: GERMAN LEVEL 4 (D) Reading



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2006 LANG0G02: GERMAN


UCL Language Centre 2005

UCL Language Centre 2005 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2005 LANG0G01: GERMAN


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *6319038705* GERMAN 0525/41 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2017 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 1231/4H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 4H Writing Higher Tier Tuesday 12 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 1 hour

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 1231/4H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 4H Writing Higher Tier Tuesday 12 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 1 hour Centre No. Paper Reference Surname Initial(s) Candidate No. 1 2 3 1 4 H Signature Paper Reference(s) 1231/4H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 4H Writing Higher Tier Tuesday 12 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 1 hour


UCL Language Centre 2005

UCL Language Centre 2005 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2005 LANG0G04: GERMAN


Course Units

Course Units UCL CENTRE FOR LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Course Units 2013-2014 Reading and Writing Examination: LCGE6003: German Level 3 (C) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises:


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *1096844205* GERMAN 0525/42 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2018 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *5121783171* GERMAN 0525/42 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2015 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2006 LANG0G03: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2002 LANG0G0B: GERMAN


UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reading and Writing Examination Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2003 LANG0G0B: GERMAN


Level 1 German, 2014

Level 1 German, 2014 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2014 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Wednesday 26 November 2014 Credits: Five Achievement


Course Units

Course Units RUCL LANGUAGE CENTRE Course Units 2011 2012 Reading and Writing Examination: LCGE6001: German Level 1 (A) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises: Reading Skills 20% Writing Skills


UCL Language Centre 2007

UCL Language Centre 2007 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2007 LCGE6005: GERMAN


Course Units

Course Units UCL CENTRE FOR LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Course Units 2012-2013 Reading and Writing Examination: LCGE6001: German Level 1 (A) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises:


UCL Language Centre 2005

UCL Language Centre 2005 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2005 LANG1GBC: GERMAN


Course Units

Course Units RUCL LANGUAGE CENTRE Course Units 2008 2009 Reading and Writing Examination: LCGE6001: German Level 1 (A) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises: Reading Skills 20% Writing Skills


Course Units

Course Units RUCL LANGUAGE CENTRE Course Units 2011 2012 Reading and Writing Examination: LCGE6003: German Level 3 (C) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises: Reading Skills 20% Writing Skills



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2006 LCGE6006: GERMAN



FIRST LANGUAGE GERMAN Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *7203018798* FIRST LANGUAGE GERMAN Paper 1 Reading Candidates answer on the Question Paper. 0505/01


UCL Language Centre 2007

UCL Language Centre 2007 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2007 LCGE6001: GERMAN



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2000 LANG 0GB1 GERMAN FOR BUSINESS


The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Level *0123456789* GERMAN 9717/02 Paper 2 Reading and Writing For Examination from 2015 SPECIMEN PAPER 1 hour 45 minutes Candidates


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Monday 17 November 2008 Morning Time: 30 minutes (plus



FIRST LANGUAGE GERMAN Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *2787096847* FIRST LANGUAGE GERMAN Paper 2 Writing Candidates answer on the Question Paper. No Additional


Course Units

Course Units UCL CENTRE FOR LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Course Units 2013-2014 Reading and Writing Examination: LCGE6001: German Level 1 (A) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises:


UCL Language Centre 2008

UCL Language Centre 2008 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2008 LCGE6006: GERMAN


Course Units

Course Units RUCL LANGUAGE CENTRE Course Units 2010-2011 Reading and Writing Examination: LCGE6001: German Level 1 (A) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises: Reading Skills 20% Writing Skills


Course Units

Course Units RUCL LANGUAGE CENTRE Course Units 2010-2011 Reading and Writing Examination: LCGE6002: German Level 2 (B) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises: Reading Skills 20% Writing Skills


UCL Language Centre 2007

UCL Language Centre 2007 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2007 LCGE6005: GERMAN


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Tuesday 22 May 2007 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes (plus


Course Units 2013-2014

Course Units 2013-2014 UCL CENTRE FOR LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Course Units 2013-2014 Reading and Writing Examination: LCGE6002: German Level 2 (B) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises:


UCL Language Centre 2007

UCL Language Centre 2007 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2007 LCGE6004: GERMAN


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *0123456789* FIRST LANGUAGE GERMAN 0505/01 Paper 1 Reading For Examination from 2016 SPECIMEN PAPER


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary Level *8211085593* GERMAN LANGUAGE 8683/22 Paper 2 Reading and Writing October/November 2015 1 hour 45 minutes Candidates



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2002 LANG0G0B: GERMAN FOR BUSINESS


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Level

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Level Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Advanced Level *3018423919* GERMAN 9717/23 Paper 2 Reading and Writing October/November 2017 1 hour 45 minutes Candidates answer on the Question



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2004 LANG0G0B: GERMAN


Course Units

Course Units RUCL LANGUAGE CENTRE Course Units 2009 2010 Reading and Writing Examination: LCGE6001: German Level 1 (A) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises: Reading Skills 20% Writing Skills


UCL Language Centre 2008

UCL Language Centre 2008 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2008 LCGE6004: GERMAN


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Tuesday 20 May 2008 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes (plus


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Paper Reference Surname Initial(s) Candidate No. 4 3 7 5 0 1 Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Monday 30th October 2006 Afternoon Time:


UCL Language Centre 2007

UCL Language Centre 2007 Candidate Identifier Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2007 LCGE6007: GERMAN


Course Units

Course Units RUCL LANGUAGE CENTRE Course Units 2009 2010 Reading and Writing Examination: LCGE6002: German Level 2 (B) This examination counts for 35% of your final mark. It comprises: Reading Skills 20% Writing Skills


*A25321A0116* A25321A W850/T1231/ /6/6/6. Turn over

*A25321A0116* A25321A W850/T1231/ /6/6/6. Turn over Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Thursday 7 June 2007 Morning Time: 30 minutes (+ 5 minutes reading time) Materials



UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON MARKING SCHEME Seat Nº UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Under no circumstances are the attached papers to be removed from the examination room by the candidate. UCL Language Centre 2004 LANG1GBC: GERMAN BUSINESS,
