Virushepatititis & Leberzirrhose

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Virale Hepatitiden Primär hepatotrope Viren - Hepatitis A (HAV) - Hepatitis B (HBV) - Hepatitis C (HCV) - Hepatitis D (HDV) - Hepatitis E (HEV) Sekundär hepatotrope Viren Humane Herpesviren - Herpes simplex Virus (HSV) - Zytomegalievirus (CMV) - Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) - Humanes Herpes Virus 6, 7, 8 - Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) Coxsackieviren Paramyxovirus Parvovirus B19 Exotisch: Dengue, Gelbfieber, Lassa, Ebola

Hepatitis A Virus (HAV): RNA Virus Übertragung : Kontaminierte Nahrungsmittel (fäko-oral) Selten sexuelle Übertragung Lebermanifestation Akute Hepatitis (Leberversagen möglich) Keine chronischen Verlaufsformen Therapie : Symptomatisch, Impfung! Virale Hepatitiden Hepatitis A Prävalenz der Hepatitis A

Fulminante Hepatitis A HAV fulminante Hepatitis HAV - non fulminant Alter* 35.4 ± 8.9 31 ± 6.6 definiert durch Encephalopathie < 8 Wo. nach Beginn des Ikterus & INR > 1.5 Männer* 90 % 57 % C2 Abusus* 20 % 3.3 % HBs Ag pos.* 40 % 4.1 % Bilirubin 23.8 ± 16.6 7.0 ± 3.9 AST 5173 ± 2768 2578 ± 2447 INR 3.5 ± 1.4 1.2 ± 0.3 Kreatinin 3.5 ± 2.5 1.1 ± 1.1 Kim et al. Factors influencing the severity of acute viral hepatitis A. Korean J Hepatol 2010;16:295-300 Jacobsen KH. et al The Global Prevalence of Hepatitis A Virus Infection and Susceptibility: A Systematic Review. 2009

Struktur des Hepatitis B Virus Large surface Antigen Small surface Antigen Middle surface Antigen Nukleokapsid DNA Polymerase lhbsag, Prä-S1/S2 Domäne shbsag, S-Domäne, 24kD mhbsag, Prä-S2 Domäne Genomische DNA Lipoprotein Hülle

Hepatitis B Virus Replikationszyklus HBV HBsAg HBeAg Golgi ER APC Once Hepatitis B - always CCC DNA plus strand minus strand synthesis Hepatitis B! HBV mrna Core Assembly/RNA Packaging

Hepatitis B: Risiko der Reaktivierung unter Immunsuppression Risiko: hoch>10%, mittel (1-10%), niedrig (<1%) 1,2,3 Dauer und Intensität der Immunsuppression (Biologika, Rituximab) 1,2,3 Serologie/HBV DNA (Replikation) 1,2,3 HBsAg(-), anti-hbc(+), anti-hbs(±) and HBV DNA(-) HBsAg(-),anti-HBc(+), and HBV DNA(+) HBsAg(+) and HBV DNA(-) HBsAg(+) and HBV DNA(+) Risk of reactivation Close monitoring of ALT and HBV DNA; initiate rescue therapy where indicated Pre-emptive/prophylact. therapy (NUCs) 1.Reddy et al., Gastroenterology 2015, 2.Perillo et al., Gastroenterology 2015, 3. EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines 2017

HBV: Natürlicher Verlauf & Therapieindikation HBsAg Elimination HBV Therapie: NEIN 99% kompensiert 50-70% anikterisch 30-45% ikterisch Schwere akute, fulminante (<1%) Akute Hepatitis ~5% Therapie: JA Akutes Leberversagen Chronische Hepatitis Jahre Cirrhosis hepatis HCC

HBV: Natürlicher Verlauf & Therapieindikation HBV HBsAg Elimination Therapie: NEIN 99% kompensiert 50-70% anikterisch 30-45% ikterisch HBeAg neg. chron. Infektion (HBsAg Carrierstatus) HBeAg pos. chron. Infektion (Immuntoleranter Status) HBsAg Carrier Immuntoleranz HBeAg neg. chron. Hep. B HBeAg pos. chron. Hep. B Schwere akute, fulminante (<1%) Akute Hepatitis ~5% Therapie: JA Akutes Leberversagen Chronische Hepatitis Jahre Cirrhosis hepatis HCC

HBV: Natürlicher Verlauf & Therapieindikation HBV Schwere akute, fulminante (<1%) Akute Hepatitis ~5% HBsAg Elimination Therapie: NEIN 99% kompensiert 50-70% anikterisch 30-45% ikterisch THERAPIE HBV-DNA (> 2x10³ IU/ml) ALT (erhöht) Histologie (>A1/F1) THERAPIE HBV DNA nachweisbar Virussupression Therapie: JA Akutes Leberversagen Chronische Hepatitis Jahre Cirrhosis hepatis HCC

Hepatitis B EASL CPG 2017

Therapie der chronischen Hepatitis B Substanz Nucleosidanaloga Nucleotidanaloga Interferon Präparat Lamivudine (LAM), Zeffix : 100mg/d Entecavir (ETV), Baraclude : 0.5mg/d Telbivudine (LdT), Sebivo : 600mg/d Adefovir (ADV), Hepsera : 10mg/d Tenofovir (TDF), Viread : 245mg/d Tenofovir (TAF), Vemlidy : 25mg/d Interferon-a PEG-IFN a-2a, Pegasys : 180µg/Woche

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) 40-70 nm in diameter Envelope proteins E1, E2 Lipid envelope derived from host cell Nucleocapsid containing singlestranded viral RNA and capsid protein Identified 1989 HCV Genotypen 1. Moradpour D et al. Nat Rev Microbiol. 2007;5:453-463.

Natürlicher Verlauf der HCV Infektion HCV ~15% Spontane Viruselimination Ausheilung ~85% Akute Hepatitis C <1% Chronische Hepatitis C Leberzirrhose HCC Fulminante Hepatitis Akutes Leberversagen

IFN-freie Therapie - Wirkmechanismus HCV Genome 3 HCV Structural proteins HCV Non-structural proteins HCV Lifecycle Steps Direct-Acting Antiviral NS3 NS5A NS5B Viral Entry Translation Processing 6 5 Replication complex Replication Assembly Release 4,5 4,5 4,5 6 1. Gao et al. Nature. 2010;465:96.; 2. Nettles et al. Hepatology. 2011;54:1956; 3. Chevaliez et al. In: Hepatitis C Viruses: Genomes and Molecular Biology, 2006; 4. He et al. In: Hepatitis C Viruses: Genomes and Molecular Biology, 2006; 5. Gao et al. Curr Opin Virol 2013;3:514; 6. Jazwinski et al. Gastroenterol Hepatol 2011; 7:154-162

Drug Abbreviation Class Grazoprevir GZR NS3/4A protease inhibitor Paritaprevir PTV NS3/4A protease inhibitor Simeprevir SMV NS3/4A protease inhibitor Glecaprevir GLE NS3/4A protease inhibitor Voxilaprevir VOX NS3/4Aprotease inhibitor Daclatasvir DCV NS5A inhibitor Elbasvir EBR NS5A inhibitor Ledipasvir LDV NS5A inhibitor Ombitasvir OBV NS5A inhibitor Velpatasvir VEL NS5A inhibitor Pibrentasvir PIB NS5A inhibitor Ruzasvir RZR NS5A inhibitor Dasabuvir DSV NS5B non-nuc pol inhibitor Sofosbuvir SOF NS5B nuc pol inhibitor

DAA Therapie - Fixdosiskombinationen Ledipasvir+ Sofosbuvir (Harvoni ) Interferon-freie Therapie (DAA) Ombitasvir+ Elbasvir+ Ausgezeichnete Paritaprevir Verträglichkeit Grazoprevir! (Viekirax ) (Zepatier ) Kurze Therapiedauer + (8-12 Wochen)! Dasabuvir Heilung der (Exviera ) HCV Infektion in 95-100%! Pangenotypische Therapieregime! Polymerase Inhibitor Velpatasvir+ Sofosbuvir (Epclusa ) NS5A Inhibitor Protease Inhibitor SOF/VEL/VOX (Vosevi ) Pibrentasvir+ Glecaprevir (Maviret )

DAA Therapie der Hepatitis C HCV ist heilbar......alle Genotypen...alle Zirrhosestadien...trotz Resistenzen...trotz Niereninsuffizienz...auch bei HBV/HIV Koinfektion...auch bei Transplantation Flemming et al, Hepatology 2016. Frühling der Hepatologie 2018, Graz

Delta Hepatitis Weltweit ca. 30 Mio. Hep. D Infizierte HDV braucht HBV zur Replikation Superinfektion bei HBV Infektion oder simulante HBV/HDV Infektion Jede Hepatitis B zumindest 1x auf Delta testen! Hughes SA, Wedemeyer H, & Harrison PM Lancet 2011

Virale Hepatitiden Hepatitis D Hepatitis D Virus (HDV): RNA Virus Übertragung : Wie Hepatitis B Blut-Blut, sexuelle Übertragung Lebermanifestation Akute Hepatitis (Leberversagen möglich) Chronische Hepatitis (rasche Progression!!) Therapie : Derzeit Peg-Interferon, Myrcludex? Impfung gegen Hep. B!

Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) single strand RNA Virus (27-34nm) 4 (5) HEV Genotypen Unterschiedliche globale Verteilung GT 3,4 Zoonose Debing Y et al. Update on hepatitis E virology: Implications for clinical practice. J Hep 2016 Kupferschmidt K Science 2016; 353: 862-863

HEV Genotyp 1 und 2 fäkal-oral, person-to-person Hepatitis E Übertragung Epidemien durch fäkal-kontaminiertes Trinkwasser oder Speisen Bluttransfusionen Vertikal auf den Fetus HEV Genotyp 3 und 4 Nahrungsmittel Tierkontakte (Schwein, Wild ) Bluttransfusionen/Transplant Vertikal auf den Fetus

Hot spots in Europe Häufigste Ursache einer akuten Hepatitis in vielen europäischen Ländern. 1. Thom K, et al. Euro Surveill 2018; 2. Mansuy JM, et al. Hepatology 2016 3. Zaaijer HL. Hepatology 2015 4. Müller B, et al. Transfus Med Hemother 2015, 5. Adlhoch C, et al. J Clin Virol 2016. Lucarelli C, et al. Euro Surveill 2016. Bura M, et al, Int J Infect Dis. 2017, 8. Shrestha AC, et al. Transfusion 2016 9. Hoad VC, et al. Vox Sang 2017; 10. Fearon MA, et al. Transfusion 2017, 11. Zhang L, et al. Transfusion 2017; 12. Matsubayashi K, et al. ISBT Science Series 2011. 14. Stramer SL, et al. Transfusion 2015. Adlhoch et al., J Clin Virol 2016

Hepatitis E Klinische Manifestation Akute Hepatitis (meist selbstlimitierend) Cholestatische Verlaufsformen möglich 1 Akutes Leberversagen möglich 3 Chron. Hepatitis bei Immunsuppression V.a. Organtransplantatempfänger HEV RNA in Serum und Stuhl nachweisbar Vorwiegend autochthone GT 3 Infektion Extrahepatische Manifestationen Neuralgische Schulteramyotrophie Guillaine-Barre Syndron Renal/hämatologisch 1 Chau et al., Am J Gastroenterol 2006, 2 Ollier et al., Ann Intern Med, 2009, 3 Daltons et al, NEJM 2009

Inkubationszeit (15-60 Tage) Diagnose der Hepatitis E Infektion Bei Immunsuppression ist die Serologie häufig unzuverlässig (NAT bei Verdacht).

Elevated liver enzymes Immunocompetent Anti-HEV-IgM (and IgG) and HEV RNA Positive Acute hepatitis E Pre-existing chronic liver disease? Acute-on-chronic liver failure? Transplant-centre? Ribavirin? Extrahepatic manifestation? Immunocompromised HEV RNA ± serology Positive HEV-infection HEV RNA positive >3 months? Chronic hepatitis E 1.EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines 2018

1.EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines 2018


Leberzirrhose & portale Hypertension Ikterus Aszites Spidernävi Muskelatrophie Caput Medusae Komplikationen - Ösophagusvarizenblutung - Aszites/spontan bakt. Peritonitis - Hepatische Enzephalopathie - Zirkulatorische Dysfunktion - Hepatorenales Syndrom - Hepatopulmonales Syndrom

Alcoholic Liver Disease Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) Viral Hepatitis C & B/D, E Hemochromatosis Wilson Disease A1-Antirypsin Deficiency (A1AD) Drug-Induced Liver Injury (DILI) Chronic liver disease Liver Cirrhosis Autoimmune Hepatitis (AIH) Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC) Primary Slerocsing Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC) IgG4-associated Disease Vascular Liver Diseases Budd-Chiari Syndrome Portosinusoidal Disease

Diagnose der Leberzirrhose Klinik bei fortgeschrittener Zirrhose Aszites? Beinödeme? (Skleren) Ikterus? Blutungen? Verwirrtheit? HE? Leberhautzeichen Spidernävi Lacklippen Palmarerythem Labor Synthese: Albumin, PTZ/INR CHE Exkretion: Bilirubin Hepatische Enzephalopathie: Ammoniak Portale Hypertension: Thrombozyten Nicht-Invasive Fibrosescores APRI, FIB-4

Diagnose der Leberzirrhose Bildgebung Histologie Transiente Elastographie US CT Oberfläche?, Aszites? Raumforderungen? Fibroseklassifikation Ludwig F1-F4 (Zirrhose)

Prognoseabschätzung: Scores Parameter 1 P. 2 P. 3 P. Child-Pugh Score Aszites - gering ausgeprägt Enzephalopathie keine I-II III-IV Serum-Bilirubin (mg/dl) <2 2-3 >3 PTZ (%) >70 30-70 <30 Serum Albumin (mg/dl) >35 28-35 <28 Child Pugh A: 5-6 B: 7-9, C: 10-15 MELD Score (Mayo End Stage Liver Disease): 6-40 10 {0.957 Ln(Krea) + 0.378 Ln(Bili) + 1.12 Ln(INR) + 0.643} Schuppan et al., Lancet 2008

Progression der Zirrhose - Zirrhosestadien Zirrhose Progression (HVPG) Kompensiert vs. Dekopmensiert 4 Baveno Stadien der Portalen Hypertension Garcia-Tsao (2010, Hepatology), D Amico (2006, JHEP)

Portale Hypertension

Intrahepatischer Widerstand High-Risk Varizenblutung Blutung Splenomegalie & Thrombopenie HVPG >10mmHg >12mmHg >16mmHg >20mmHg Refraktärer Aszites Aszites

Billroth III: Screening für CSPH und Varizen Elastography available Diagnosis of Cirrhosis advanced chronic liver disease (TE>15kPa) TE <15 kpa + PLT >150 G/L TE >15kPa or PLT <150 G/L Screening Endoscopy No Screening Endoscopy No Varices Low-Risk GOVs <5mm High-Risk GOVs >5mm, Child C or red spot signs Repeat TE and PLT 1x/Year Repeat Endoscopy: - Compensated: 2Y - Decompensated: 1Y Carvedilol 12.5mg 1-0-0 for primary prophylaxis Betablockers Use EBL Primary or repeat if contraindications or refractory ascites Prophylaxis Endoscopy after 1Y


Diagnosis of cirrhosis and (suspected) variceal bleeding Transfusion if Hb<7g/dL Somatostatin 6mg/50mL at 4.2mL/h 3G-Cephalosphorin/Betalactam Erythromycin 250mg Endoscopic treatment (EVL for EV, Glue for cardiofundal Varices)

Diagnosis of cirrhosis and (suspected) variceal bleeding Transfusion if Hb<7g/dL Somatostatin 6mg/50mL at 4.2mL/h 3G-Cephalosphorin/Betalactam Erythromycin 250mg Endoscopic treatment (EVL for EV, Glue for cardiofundal Varices) Child-B + active bleeding or Child C10-13 No hemostasis Early TIPS <72h - 2 nd Endoscopy - Bleeding Stent (or Balloon)

Ballon Tamponade (Sengstaken) Danis Stent Escorsell et al (Hepatology 2015)

Diagnosis of cirrhosis and (suspected) variceal bleeding Transfusion if Hb<7g/dL Somatostatin 6mg/50mL at 4.2mL/h 3G-Cephalosphorin/Betalactam Erythromycin 250mg Endoscopic treatment (EVL for EV, Glue for cardiofundal Varices) Child-B + active bleeding or Child C10-13 No hemostasis Early rebleeding <5days Hemostasis achieved Continue vasoactive drugs for up to 5d Early TIPS <72h - 2 nd Endoscopy - Bleeding Stent (or Balloon) Secondary prophylaxis Rebleeding or Failure of secondary prophylaxis: rescue or elective TIPS

Sekundärprophylaxe: Kombination von β-blocker + EBL Bei wiederholter/schwerer Blutung unter β-blocker + EBL TIPS evaluieren.


Aszites: Graduierung und Therapie Diagnosis and Therapy of Ascites Definition Grade 1: Mild ascites only detectable by ultrasound Uncomplicated Cirrhosis Grade 2: Moderate ascites evident by moderate symmetrical distension of abdomen Grade 3: Large or gross ascites with marked abdominal distension Refractory Ascites Ascites that cannot be mobilized or the early recurrence of which cannot be prevented because of a lack of response to sodium restriction and diuretic treatment; impaired urinary sodium excretion (< 80 mmol/24 h); spot urinary sodium/potassium ratio <2.5 Treatment Sodium restriction and diuretics Spironolactone 100mg 1-0-0 (1-1-0) Furosemide 20-20-0 (40-40-0) Paracentesis, sodium restriction and diuretics Paracentesis, TIPS, transplantation Avoid NSAIDs, angiotensin converting encyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, aminoglycosides NSAIDs, angiotensin converting encyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, aminoglycosides, carvedilol, propranolol with caution

Refraktärer Aszites TIPS vs. Parezentese MA, 7 randomisierte Studien, 305 Patienten Transplant-freies Überleben HE-Episode Salerno et al., Gastroenterology 2007; 133: 825 Salerno et al., Gastroenterology 2007; 133: 825

(diagnostische) Aszitespunktion!! Leukozytenzahl (>500/µl), Neutrophilenzahl (>250/µl) Kulturen (Ascitic fluid and blood cultures) Antibiotische Therapie! (gram-negative coverage (e.g. aminopenicilline/β-lactamase inhibitor, 3 rd generation cephalosporin, or quinolone) Albuminsubstitution Verlaufspunktion Spontan bakterielle Peritonitis Does This Patient Have Bacterial Peritonitis or Portal Hypertension? How Do I Perform a Paracentesis and Analyze the Results? JAMA, March 12, 2008 Vol 299, No.

Hepatorenal Syndrome (Billroth III Konsens) ICA-AKI Stage 2/3 Increase in screa >2x (even if <ULN) 1. Pause Diuretics & nephrotoxic drugs 2. Pause NSBB if RR<90 or Na<130 3. Renal Ultrasound 4. Urinary assessment 5. Screening for Infections, paracentesis: check for SBP 6. Albumin 1g/kg: 300-500mL 20% HA 48h 2 days Decrease in screa after 2 days: Partial Response (decrease in AKI stage) Complete Response (return baseline screa No decrease in screa after 2 days: Continue Albumin 200-300mL 20% HA Vasoconstrictors: Terlipressin 1mg every 6h up to 2mg every 4h (4-12mg/d Terlipressin 0.2-0.5mg/h, 4mg/40mL: 2-5mL/h Noradrenaline 5mg/50mL, 2mL-5mL/h Nonresponse: No decrease in screa: Discontinuation after 14days Consider TIPS in case of severe/refractory ascites (HRS-2, CKD-HRS RRT: as clinically indicated, only in OLTX candidates

Zusammenfassung Virushepatitis: Große Fortschritte in Diagnostik und Therapie HBV: gut kontrollierbar, Reaktivierung!, (an HDV denken!) HCV: dauerhaft ausheilbar (Elimination) HEV: akute Hepatitis, Immunsuppression Leberzirrhose: Diagnose der Ätiologie und Stadium (Scores) Portale Hypertension/Komplikationen Varizenblutung (prim/sek. Proph., Blutungsmanagement) Aszites (SBP, refraktär, TIPS) HE, HCC Surveillance, OLT